Firefighters Respond To Condo Fire, Discover On Arrival That Several Children Are Trapped Inside

By Ethan Cole on
 March 23, 2021

Fire victims do the best they can to quickly get everyone out of the house when the flames start. But sometimes, the smoke and heat are too much. This is where first responders come in.

Firefighters work to get everyone out of a house while trying to tame the blaze. Sometimes they get there with seconds to spare.

Condo Fire

Las Vegas fire crews received a call around 8:30 a.m. Saturday morning of a fire burning in a two-story condo. Upon their arrival, the crews from North Las Vegas and Las Vegas were informed that children were still in the building.

According to Las Vegas Review-Journal, 5-year-old Maleyah Armstrong was trapped at the condo's rear in her grandmother's room. Her grandmother tried to get her and her sister out of the home, but there were too many flames.

Her mother, Karissa Armstrong, who was at work at the time, said, "There were so many flames and so much smoke, so my mom kept telling them to follow her voice." The 8-year old was able to make it out of the home on her own.

Per a department spokesperson, when firefighters located Maleyah, she was unconscious and not breathing. Firefighters were able to get the little girl breathing again. She was transported to University Medical Center and placed on life support.

Cause of the Fire

Crews believe it was an electrical fire beginning in the electrical box with the dryer running. Investigators are still working on finding the cause but estimate the damage to be $150,000.

The grandmother, unfortunately, did not smell the smoke when the fire first began because her sense of smell was lost after a sinus surgery 15 years ago. The grandmother's boyfriend was the one who alerted her.

The pair removed the 4-year old sibling from the home, but were not able to reach his two sisters.

Waiting Game

The 8-year-old and 4-year old were treated for smoke inhalation. The grandmother was treated for second-degree burns was also released.

The family is still waiting for Maleyah to wake up.

”There’s certain things that she does — like when I call her name, she’ll move her eyes, or she’ll move — so the doctors said that’s a good sign that her brain is working,” Armstrong said.

Saving a Life

Firefighters were able to wade through the flames to retrieve this little girl. Their quick movements and bravery saved her life.

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6 comments on “Firefighters Respond To Condo Fire, Discover On Arrival That Several Children Are Trapped Inside”

  1. God Bless to those firefighters!
    As to all first responders they are our hero’s!
    Thanks guys and have a cold one.

  2. God bless our first responders, firemen and police officers.
    We need better relationships between our police and the community they serve. Our children should be taught how to cooperate
    with police officers and show them respect.
    Conversely, police officers should be trained to
    show respect to everyone regardless of their social status or color.
    Respect is earned, a person will not respect another person who does not respect them.

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