Former Flight Attendant Pays Homage To The Flight Attendants Lost In The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

By Ethan Cole on
 September 7, 2021

A former United Airlines flight attendant is taking an incredible feat to honor the coworkers and other employees of the airlines who died in the September 11th tragedy.

Trekking for a Cause

Armed with an airline drink cart with a tracking meter, Paulie Veneto is pushing the cart from Boston to Ground Zero, a distance of 220-miles. It's not your ordinary drink cart, though.

On one side of the cart, there are tributes to both of the flights. The American Airlines flight 11 and 77 with the times and locations they hit on the left, and United flight 175 and 93 with their corresponding times and locations on the right.

On Veneto's left side, he has an American flag presented to him by the executive director of the Boston Marathon, Dave McGillivray.

Veneto said to WATM, “​​His mother gave him that flag 42 years ago, and he wore it running across the country. Even telling you this, I get emotional … I get up every morning and pin it on.”

Unlimited Support

Veneto says he has been met with nothing but support from fans, followers, and sponsors.

“There’s no division. It’s crazy. People — all they care about is shaking my hand. I know they’re getting some type of relief from it; how could I not be grateful? The stories are endless. It’s crazy. I never dreamed it would get this much support.”

Paulie Veneto

The cart has an attached camera that takes photos every 30 seconds and updates Veneto's Instagram automatically.

He has two different carts. One has street tires, and the other tires are for rougher terrain.

“They were the first responders. They weren’t trained to fight terrorism but they did it anyway. They did the best they could and they did it to protect others."

Paulie Veneto

Delayed, But Not Forgotten

Veneto wished he could have done this sooner, but the events of 9/11 hit him hard. His regular route was from Boston to L.A., and September 11th was his day off.

He eventually became addicted to opioids, and it took him a while to come out the other side. Finally, Veneto got sober in 2015.

Donations fund his mission, and he plans to give any extra funds to the families. Currently, he is averaging 10-20 miles per day which should get him to Ground Zero on September 11th.

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5 comments on “Former Flight Attendant Pays Homage To The Flight Attendants Lost In The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks”

  1. We all still feel [& always will] the heartache of 9/11, especially now with all the current heartache we are going through again with the botched Afghanistan situation. I think what this man is doing is a loving act of courage in remembrance of all the innocent lives that were lost by a very cruel act of evil ! WE WILL NEVER FORGET !!

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