Heartbreaking Eulogy Delivered For US Marine Killed In Kabul, Afghanistan

By Ethan Cole on
 September 24, 2021

Sgt. Nicole Gee was one of the 13 U.S. soldiers who died in the August 26 suicide bombing on the Karzai International Airport in Kabul. In an attempt to make sense of the grief all of the Marines were feeling, one Gunnery Sgt. gave a moving speech.

Remembering Sgt. Gee

Gunnery Sgt. Christopher Duncan McClain stood in the middle of his fellow Marines giving a moving speech in honor of Sgt. Nicole Gee. His whole speech was captured on video and posted on TikTok.

In a post on his Facebook page, McClain admitted that it was, in fact, him in the video giving the eulogy. As he spoke, he told the Marines that her death was not their fault. He reiterated that she died doing what she loved doing and that the Marines were over there doing what they loved to do.


McClain said that they were over there helping people, just because they were human too. He said, "God needed an angel for his war, and he took the best goddamn one."

Guardian Angel

Service members who are on security during an operation are often called "guardian angels." Gee worked with the Combat Logistics Battalion 24, which deployed with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit when she died.

The Marine who posted the video of McClain's speech did serve with Gee. She and the other service members were helping both Americans and Afghans get on planes out of the country. Thousands of people were attempting to make their way past the Taliban to live.

“In Afghanistan Sgt. Gee would work multiple shifts a day just to be around the children and families being evacuated. She was the most loving and caring individual I’ve ever met. She was the ‘mom’ of any group she was a part of and had a knack for brightening anyone’s day.”

Sgt. Landon Workman

While there, someone handed Gee a baby to hold as she was nearing the end of her shift. She posted the photo of her holding the child on Instagram.

U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock spoke at her memorial service saying, "Who else but a guardian angel amidst the chaos and violence of those last days in Kabul could look beyond that into the eyes of a little infant she was protecting and proclaim, 'I love my job.'"

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