Medal Of Honor: Wounded Soldier Savagely Defends American Base Against Overwhelming Odds

By Ethan Cole on
 June 29, 2021

In 1971, a newly re-activated military base was positioned to support Operation Lam Son 719. The operation was to be the invasion of Laos, but the South Vietnamese. However the North Vietnamese with their army sapper attacked the base.

Lam Son

The intent of Lam Son was to invade Laos in order to cut off the North Vietnamese's supply line, using the Ho Chi Minh Trail. However, the invasion did not go as planned.

ARVN and American forces both were forced to gather their wounded and retreat. The ARVN fully retreated by March 25th.

Two days prior, though, North Vietnamese fighters decided to attack the Army base at Khe Sanh. The attack was thwarted. One of the men who was integral in turning the NVA around was Michael J. Fitzmaurice.

Fighting the NVA

Fitzmaurice was stationed in a bunker with three other men. They did not know yet that the base was under attack. Then, suddenly, an explosive flew into the bunker out of thin air. He was able to throw two of them out, but the third was about to go off.

He made the only decision he could, throwing himself on the final explosive with a flak vest on. He saved the lives of the three men in the bunker with him, but was left wounded and partially blinded.

However, Fitzmaurice did not give up. He got up and went outside, taking out enemy invaders with a rifle. He was hit by another grenade and lost the use of his rifle, but he did not stop fighting. Instead, he used his bare hands to kill an enemy soldier, taking his weapon.

He continued taking down the enemy with one of their own weapons. He was awarded the Medal of Honor for saving the three men's lives and for his courageous fighting. The Medal was presented to him by President Nixon.

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16 comments on “Medal Of Honor: Wounded Soldier Savagely Defends American Base Against Overwhelming Odds”

  1. That's what Heroes are made of: guts! My neighbor was a drafted into the army. He tried to join other branches without success. He completed Army basic training and medic school. He was shipped to Vietnam. Within 6 months, he was killed in action as he threw himself on a grenade saving other soldiers. His name is: Melvin Chloupek, RIP!

  2. Now that's what i call a true American no Trash like Antifa or BLM garbage those are cowards,He is a real life hero who was willing to give his life for us not like the trash burning and killing of Americans in the USA from BLM and Antifa they make me sick

    1. Seems like james is the coward , hiding behind his electronic device and calling innocent people TRASH !!! Be a Man's MAN , show some respect - IF YOU EVER WANT TO GET RESPECT FROM OTHERS !!!

  3. Discipline, prison, respect, and more, how have we lost those important things. We play with the criminals, rather than let them know that there are consequences for criminal activity.
    Three strikes has been a bad joke. Do you know how difficult it is to even get caught three times much less have the law be.
    We have many laws on the criminality but they are not well enforced.
    Let’s talk about Sherman Anti trust laws. How many huge
    Corporations are violating anti trust laws?
    We have young business people trying to influence Congress because they have made billions. Going further because of Super Pacs. Signed into law by Obama, these huge corporations now control America. All part of Washington grabs on our wonderful country. Historically a King was a singular person. Now we have hundreds of people chasing their own dreams.
    We have watched DC fifght for power and have let our country die for lack of maintenance. We hear hourly all the bad stuff. We need a leader with grit, a leader with social skills. Need I go on. Politicans have ruined our country.
    No federal budgets in over forty years.ect ect.spend like drunken sailors, sorry sailors, no offense intended. Ralph Samuelson, received a noble prize about 70 years ago for his work on economics. He wrote things like in good times Govt should cut spending and in bad times spend more. Congress has in now over 40 years have had no budget.ok folks if you ran your home or business like That you would be broke in no time. Like we are. Wake up America.

    1. Discipline, prison, respect, and more, how have we lost those important things. We play with the criminals, rather than let them know that there are consequences for criminal activity.
      Three strikes has been a bad joke. Do you know how difficult it is to even get caught three times much less have the law be.
      We have many laws on the criminality but they are not well enforced.
      Let’s talk about Sherman Anti trust laws. How many huge
      Corporations are violating anti trust laws?
      We have young business people trying to influence Congress because they have made billions. Going further because of Super Pacs. Signed into law by Obama, these huge corporations now control America. All part of Washington grabs on our wonderful country. Historically a King was a singular person. Now we have hundreds of people chasing their own dreams.
      We have watched DC fifght for power and have let our country die for lack of maintenance. We hear hourly all the bad stuff. We need a leader with grit, a leader with social skills. Need I go on. Politicans have ruined our country.
      No federal budgets in over forty years.ect ect.spend like drunken sailors, sorry sailors, no offense intended. Ralph Samuelson, received a noble prize about 70 years ago for his work on economics. He wrote things like in good times Govt should cut spending and in bad times spend more. Congress has in now over 40 years have had no budget.ok folks if you ran your home or business like That you would be broke in no time. Like we are. Wake up America.
      Now face book doesn’t want to post this..see friends, the truth is posted here.

    2. If the reports are correct, this morning there were reports of Pelosi buying stock in a military company that hadn’t been announced yet. Obviously inside information is illegal and she should be prosecuted. Wanna bet it won’t go anywhere?
      Our politicians seem to be in government for the wrong reasons. Therefore there should be term limits.

  4. Discipline, prison, respect, and more, how have we lost those important things. We play with the criminals, rather than let them know that there are consequences for criminal activity.
    Three strikes has been a bad joke. Do you know how difficult it is to even get caught three times much less have the law be.
    We have many laws on the criminality but they are not well enforced.
    Let’s talk about Sherman Anti trust laws. How many huge
    Corporations are violating anti trust laws?
    We have young business people trying to influence Congress because they have made billions. Going further because of Super Pacs. Signed into law by Obama, these huge corporations now control America. All part of Washington grabs on our wonderful country. Historically a King was a singular person. Now we have hundreds of people chasing their own dreams.
    We have watched DC fifght for power and have let our country die for lack of maintenance. We hear hourly all the bad stuff. We need a leader with grit, a leader with social skills. Need I go on. Politicans have ruined our country.
    No federal budgets in over forty years.ect ect.spend like drunken sailors, sorry sailors, no offense intended. Ralph Samuelson, received a noble prize about 70 years ago for his work on economics. He wrote things like in good times Govt should cut spending and in bad times spend more. Congress has in now over 40 years have had no budget.ok folks if you ran your home or business like That you would be broke in no time. Like we are. Wake up America.
    Now face book doesn’t want to post this..see friends, the truth is posted here.

  5. GB the men and women in the ranks of our military and all those who earned the MOH and live to tell the story.....OUUUUUURaaah!

  6. it is past time to save this country. only civil war may turn this around. save/hide/make your guns and ammo

  7. So many of tomorrow's voters are not Patriotic, loyal, faithful, or caring. We must educate our children in the home, stop letting schools indoctrinate them. We can share hero stories like this, inspire them with the Word of God, and show them the great rewards of being Patriotic, faithful, and caring. It's so sad to witness our Homeland slip away right before our eyes. Seeing hatred, riots, vulgar and violent people attacking others, and cursing our Republic. We HAVE to reclaim our U.S.A., and that means we have to go by their rules - they play rough, then we play rough too. I'm sick of backing down to the cowards, feeling ashamed for being disgusted with their actions, even allowing myself to *almost* believe the names they call me are true. But......God reminds me many times a day that I'm a child of His alone, that's what He calls me - My Child. God help us, God Bless the U.S.A.

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