Riot Police Take To The Streets As 10,000 Protesters Collide

By Ethan Cole on
 January 19, 2024

In a significant turn of events, Russia is witnessing its largest civil unrest since the onset of the Ukraine conflict. A substantial protest has erupted in the small town of Baymak, Bashkortostan, near the Ural mountains, with a reported 10,000 individuals taking to the streets.

This protest was ignited by the imprisonment of Fail Alsyonov, a notable anti-war activist, leading to violent clashes between demonstrators and riot police.

Triggering an Uprising: The Arrest of Fail Alsyonov

The protest's catalyst was the jailing of 37-year-old Fail Alsyonov, who received a four-year prison sentence for 'inciting hatred'. Alsyonov, a vocal critic of Moscow's actions in Ukraine and local gold-mining projects, has become a symbol of resistance.

His arrest seems to have struck a chord with many, leading to this unprecedented demonstration.

Alsyonov's activism included severe criticism of Russia's large-scale offensive in Ukraine and condemnation of the mobilization drive, which he termed as 'genocide of the Bashkir people'.

Violence and Chaos in Baymak

The situation in Baymak rapidly escalated, with reports of battles between riot police and demonstrators. Photos and videos captured at the scene depict protestors hurling snowballs and ice lumps, countered by police with tear gas canisters.

The intensity of the clashes led to the deployment of about 300 special forces soldiers after local law enforcement struggled to control the situation.

Witnesses describe the violence as brutal, with reports of police beating protestors mercilessly. A chilling account from one onlooker detailed, "They beat the men on the head and back with batons. They say that someone's eye was knocked out."

Government Response and Public Outcry

As tensions soared, Russia's National Guard was called in for backup, highlighting the severity of the unrest. The situation grew so dire that paddy wagons were brought in, and at one stage, the crowd reportedly encircled and trapped Putin’s security forces, holding them hostage and threatening harm if protesters were injured.

An attempt to restore calm was made by deploying an imam in this predominantly Muslim region, but his efforts were met with no success. This led to 'negotiations' between the protestors and the authorities, underscoring the depth of the crisis.

International Concern and Kremlin's Dilemma

The scale of this protest is not only a significant concern domestically but also internationally. Human rights organizations like Amnesty International have previously reported on the repression of anti-war activists in Russia, highlighting a broader pattern of silencing dissent.

Oleg Kozlovsky, Amnesty International's Russia researcher, commented:

Repression in Russia runs deep where a complex and extensive range of tactics are increasingly being weaponized to silence anti-war dissent. Peaceful protesters against the war in Ukraine and those who share critical information about the Russian armed forces face severe criminal, administrative and other sanctions.  New, absurd laws that criminalize those who freely express their views have been adopted and immediately put to use.

Former Putin Aide Highlights Crisis' Gravity

Adding weight to the situation is Abbas Gallyamov, a former speechwriter for Putin, who emphasized the significance of these events.

He remarked on the potential long-term implications, stating that such unrest stores 'painful grievances in the treasury of the people's memory', likening the situation to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

"This does not mean that the regime there has been overthrown right now, but it does mean that when suppressing discontent, the authorities will have to act very harshly," Gallyamov stated.

Escalation of Conflict and Russian Response

The conflict in Baymak is not an isolated incident but part of a larger narrative of dissent in Russia, particularly in the context of its actions in Ukraine.

The jailing of Alsyonov, a public figure critical of the government, has exacerbated tensions and highlighted the issue of freedom of speech and protest in the country.

As the situation unfolds, there is a growing concern about the potential for further violence and the state's response to such large-scale demonstrations. This incident in Baymak may be a tipping point in the Russian public's perception of the government's policies.

Conclusion and Reflections

  • Massive protest erupts in Baymak, Bashkortostan, with 10,000 participants, following the jailing of anti-war activist Fail Alsyonov.
  • Violent clashes occur between riot police and protestors, leading to numerous injuries.
  • About 300 special forces soldiers deployed as the situation escalated, with Russia's National Guard also called in.
  • Amnesty International highlights the ongoing repression of anti-war activists in Russia.
  • Former Putin aide Abbas Gallyamov underscores the protest's significance, drawing parallels with the collapse of the Soviet Union.

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