Russian Troops Wiped Out By HIMARS Missiles Just Day After 65 Killed In Strikes

By Ethan Cole on
 February 23, 2024

In a recent turn of events, Ukraine's military executed a missile strike in the Kherson region, exposing the susceptibility of Russian forces and resulting in a considerable number of casualties.

A HIMARS missile strike in the Kherson region of Ukraine has reportedly led to the deaths of dozens of Russian soldiers. This incident marks the second high-casualty event in just two days, underlining a critical vulnerability in Russian military formations.

The strike occurred in the occupied Kherson region, explicitly targeting Podo-Kalinivka, an area known for the scenic Oleshky Sands nature park. This attack follows closely on the heels of another incident that resulted in the loss of 65 Russian soldiers, making it evident that these are not isolated events but part of a concerning pattern.

The stark reality captured above

Drone footage released by Ukrainian sources provides a harrowing view of the events unfolding on the ground. One clip captured a large explosion amidst a congregation of individuals, believed to be Russian soldiers, positioned near a forest area that was littered with tank tracks. This imagery starkly illustrates the sudden and lethal nature of the strike, leaving little room for escape.

A follow-up video showed yet another group falling victim to a missile attack, culminating in an inferno that engulfed the vicinity.

The compilation of footage concludes with a third explosion near the initial strike site as more individuals venture towards the disaster area, possibly in an attempt to aid their comrades, only to find themselves in peril.

Critical voices emerge in the wake of tragedy

The release of the video has not only confirmed the scale of the tragedy but has also sparked a wave of criticism aimed at Russian military leadership. Pro-war bloggers and commentators have been notably vocal, lamenting the apparent lack of lessons learned from past mistakes.

Specifically, the practice of assembling troops in large, exposed formations has been highlighted as a glaring oversight, making them easy targets for such precision strikes.

The Military Informant channel expressed frustration over what they perceive as repeated failures by military commanders to adapt to the realities of modern warfare.

The general indignation from the next HIMARS strike on yet another senseless formation of [military] personnel in the DPR [Donetsk People's Republic] did not have time to pass when another formation followed with another strike, but this time in the Kherson region. One can only be surprised at the lack of learning of [commanders] in the second year of [the war].

The critique extends beyond strategic failures, with Major-General Oleg Moiseev coming under fire for his role in the deaths of the 65 soldiers in the preceding attack. Accusations have been made against him for choosing a vulnerable location for troop inspection, which has had fatal consequences.

The role of technology in warfare underscored

The HIMARS system, supplied by the United States, has been identified as a key factor in the efficacy of these strikes. Its ability to deliver precision strikes from a distance has proven to be a game-changer on the battlefield, highlighting the evolving nature of military engagement and the critical role of advanced technology.

War reporter Andrey Rudenko commented on the dangers posed by these missile attacks, advising military personnel to prioritize their own safety and that of their subordinates. His warning underscores the heightened risk environment that soldiers find themselves in, particularly when protocols are not adapted to mitigate these risks.

While official acknowledgment from Russian authorities regarding these strikes remains pending, the repercussions are evident. The incidents underscore the ongoing challenges faced by military forces in adapting to the complexities of modern warfare, where tactical errors can have profoundly tragic outcomes.


The recent HIMARS missile strikes in the Kherson region have not only inflicted significant casualties on Russian forces but have also reignited debates around military strategies and leadership vulnerabilities. The incidents underscore the lethal efficiency of modern military technology and highlight the critical need for revised protocols and strategies to safeguard troops.

As the reality of these vulnerabilities comes to light, the path forward necessitates a reevaluation of current practices, focusing on adaptive measures that prioritize the safety and security of military personnel.

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