US Military Launches UFO Task Force

By Ethan Cole on
 November 27, 2021

In a move to coordinate and monitor Unidentified Flying Objects in restricted air space, the Department of Defense has created a new department. The new group will monitor air space for flying objects that may be national security threats and flight safety risks.

Dealing With UFOs

Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Kicks said that the unit will be at the head of government efforts to "detect, identify and attribute objects of interests." In other words, they will be monitoring UFO data.

The Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group will take over where the Navy's UAp force left off and will report to senior military and intelligence officials.

According to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, sightings of 140 UFOs from 2004 prompted the unit's formation, which released a report in June detailing the numerous occurrences.

Some of the UFOs had very unusual flight patterns. The document also shows the problems with gathering data on UFOs which allows them to assess and identify them. One of the major issues is the ridicule pilots, and others face when they report the sightings.

The DOD believes there are many logical explanations for UFOs, and the new group will help them shed light on the issues, including finding standardizing reporting across all entities. As needed, the group will also work on recommendations for adjustments to laws, regulations, doctrine, training, organizations, and more.

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33 comments on “US Military Launches UFO Task Force”

  1. This is laughable as thinking people know the government can't do anything about UFOs or UAPs. The more agencies the government creates the more money they waste.

    1. Precisely. There are NO SUCH THINGS AS UFOs. They are all IFOs (Identified Flying Objects) manufactured by DARPA and a covert agency of Germany. How do I know? I have a family member who worked for DARPA for many years. I've actually seen 2 of these IFOs. They are now equipped with laser weapons. Whomever is behind putting out stories to the public like this is the same group that may one day scare the hell out of people by making them think we are having an alien invasion. For what purpose? Probably to get people to comply with whatever agenda they are trying to accomplish. If they make you believe we are having an alien invasion, they will promise to save us... IF we comply with whatever they want. I'm not having it. Just keep in mind that the IFOs are equipped with laser weapons so they definitely could scare the hell out of you or even kill you. I wouldn't put it past them to kill people... after all, they are doing it NOW with their clot shots.

    2. Those of US have known about this "Phenomena" for 20-40 years and just now, his government is letting the populace know??? What a shock (!) D.U.M.B.'s (Deep Underground Military Basses) has existed since 1974 or earlier using 35' borers, ... some ultra radiated into molten rock sides, . ... U.S. Army intelligence has had data for years and the U.S. Air Force has tonnes of material that was "CLASSIFIED"! Those who were brave enough to disclose were BRANDED as NUTS and KOOKS, ...NOW we are seeing that they knew and NOW it is all about to be liad out when the Space creatures and on the White House Grounds and also the other nations of the civilized world...more to come, I am quite sure of this!!!

    3. What's laughable is that there are more than 1200 government agencies and/or departments of which I'll bet we've never heard of most of them or knew they existed as we threw tax dollars at them. But now, we're a little upset about this one? Why now? Is this the last straw, finally?

  2. Urge they examine all UFO data since 1947 alone
    & Rename Airborne Alien Tech Studies Group
    OR Alien Tech Studies Group & declassify all documents since 1947 to date

    1. I agree.
      We need to get down off our high horse, and realize that it has only been less than one hundred years since we discovered Radar and radar-blocking technology. And we have just barely touched space.
      For the sake of argument, I'll just call them "the Others".
      If the Others have the technology to freely travel through space. It is asinine to think that they wouldn't have the technology to deflect or completely block our radar.
      Just like our government. We have only seen what the Others WANTED to be seen. And we have no way of knowing what the government or the Others are thinking.
      Just something to think about.

      1. There are NO SUCH THINGS AS UFOs. They are all IFOs (Identified Flying Objects) manufactured by DARPA and a covert agency of Germany. How do I know? I have a family member who worked for DARPA for many years. I’ve actually seen 2 of these IFOs. They are now equipped with laser weapons. Whomever is behind putting out stories to the public like this is the same group that may one day scare the hell out of people by making them think we are having an alien invasion. For what purpose? Probably to get people to comply with whatever agenda they are trying to accomplish. If they make you believe we are having an alien invasion, they will promise to save us… IF we comply with whatever they want. I’m not having it. Just keep in mind that the IFOs are equipped with laser weapons so they definitely could scare the hell out of you or even kill you. I wouldn’t put it past them to kill people… after all, they are doing it NOW with their clot shots.

  3. UFO's are a symbol of a spiritual battle. The Bible tells us that our battle is not of flesh & blood, but is spiritual. Sightings of UFO's have been around for ages. But as usual, Man will create various government agencies and throw money at the problem, instead of turning to God which costs nothing!

    1. Absolutely. There are NO SUCH THINGS AS UFOs. They are all IFOs (Identified Flying Objects) manufactured by DARPA and a covert agency of Germany. How do I know? I have a family member who worked for DARPA for many years. I’ve actually seen 2 of these IFOs. They are now equipped with laser weapons. Whomever is behind putting out stories to the public like this is the same group that may one day scare the hell out of people by making them think we are having an alien invasion. For what purpose? Probably to get people to comply with whatever agenda they are trying to accomplish. If they make you believe we are having an alien invasion, they will promise to save us… IF we comply with whatever they want. I’m not having it. Just keep in mind that the IFOs are equipped with laser weapons so they definitely could scare the hell out of you or even kill you. I wouldn’t put it past them to kill people… after all, they are doing it NOW with their clot shots.

    2. I knew sooner or later religion would be brought into the scene - God has nothing to do with UFO's -We probably attribute numerous scenarios to God when really it is aliens - they have been here for millions of years - they live on the moon and for all we know they created Earth- buildings and structures we can't duplicate today were built thousands of years ago and our leaders saay the people built them. With what using a rock and chicken bone chisel to make perfect joints and openings also transport 100ton blocks with what ? And lift these blocks into place many stories on a building - Please God had nothing to do with it

    1. LOL!! It's more serious than that, I'm afraid. There are NO SUCH THINGS AS UFOs. They are all IFOs (Identified Flying Objects) manufactured by DARPA and a covert agency of Germany. How do I know? I have a family member who worked for DARPA for many years. I’ve actually seen 2 of these IFOs. They are now equipped with laser weapons. Whomever is behind putting out stories to the public like this is the same group that may one day scare the hell out of people by making them think we are having an alien invasion. For what purpose? Probably to get people to comply with whatever agenda they are trying to accomplish. If they make you believe we are having an alien invasion, they will promise to save us… IF we comply with whatever they want. I’m not having it. Just keep in mind that the IFOs are equipped with laser weapons so they definitely could scare the hell out of you or even kill you. I wouldn’t put it past them to kill people… after all, they are doing it NOW with their clot shots.

    2. JC - Looks like aliens are missing their Village Idiot... cause there is nothing human about what is going on right now...

  4. In the governments beliefs. A person is smart, but "people" are stupid, panicky, herd-beasts. Therefor they feel that they can not admit to the general populace that they don't know what something is, for fear of mass panic and loss of control.
    I think that it is very egotistical of us as humans to think that there is nothing else out there, given that we are 1 planet, in 1 solar-system, revolving around 1star, among the trillions & trillions of other stars out there in space. Whether we understand it or not. We must admit that there is more of a probability, of life out there, than a possibility.
    As a person. Make up you're own mind.

    1. Not so. There are NO SUCH THINGS AS UFOs. They are all IFOs (Identified Flying Objects) manufactured by DARPA and a covert agency of Germany. How do I know? I have a family member who worked for DARPA for many years. I’ve actually seen 2 of these IFOs. They are now equipped with laser weapons. Whomever is behind putting out stories to the public like this is the same group that may one day scare the hell out of people by making them think we are having an alien invasion. For what purpose? Probably to get people to comply with whatever agenda they are trying to accomplish. If they make you believe we are having an alien invasion, they will promise to save us… IF we comply with whatever they want. I’m not having it. Just keep in mind that the IFOs are equipped with laser weapons so they definitely could scare the hell out of you or even kill you. I wouldn’t put it past them to kill people… after all, they are doing it NOW with their clot shots.

  5. Just another way to distribute money to the political elite. I would like to see the bank accounts of the appointed leaders of this group before and after they fall out of the headlines as new government changes take affect.

    1. I can at least HONESTLY say this is a hoax. There are NO SUCH THINGS AS UFOs. They are all IFOs (Identified Flying Objects) manufactured by DARPA and a covert agency of Germany. How do I know? I have a family member who worked for DARPA for many years. I’ve actually seen 2 of these IFOs. They are now equipped with laser weapons. Whomever is behind putting out stories to the public like this is the same group that may one day scare the hell out of people by making them think we are having an alien invasion. For what purpose? Probably to get people to comply with whatever agenda they are trying to accomplish. If they make you believe we are having an alien invasion, they will promise to save us… IF we comply with whatever they want. I’m not having it. Just keep in mind that the IFOs are equipped with laser weapons so they definitely could scare the hell out of you or even kill you. I wouldn’t put it past them to kill people… after all, they are doing it NOW with their clot shots.

  6. After all these centuries, and all the ignorance, it's about time we do something. If the human race is going to survive after our sun burns out, we better get to finding out not only where we're going to, but how are we going to get there. The only thing this planet has come up with is how to wipe ourselves out of existence. I don't think that's supposed to be the greatest plan for a solid future. Everyone on This planet better work together or there will be no future for what's supposed to be advance beings.

    1. At an early morning in Northern New Jersey 1952 my mother and I watched two UFOs traverse the sky off in the horizon. They were in a formation keeping the same distance apart. Then the first one would accelerate at an incredible speed, and pull away from the other. Then the second one would speed off To catch up. The weather was perfectly clear, but they were at a considerable distance so there were few details. As far as I know , no country y et can match the speeds of these 1952 UFOs. I guess any occupants or otherwise controllers are quite superior to what we earthlings, but at least for now they do not seem particularly interested in any more than keeping an eye on us.

  7. There are UFOs in our air spaces around the world . I personally saw one at the age of about 12 YO with a low power telescope . Was outside with it and saw a light travelling across the sky , focused on it and followed for about 4 seconds and then it began to accelerate quickly and vanished from view . Went inside and told My Dad what I just saw . He called a friend at the navy base near home and asked him , ( a navy officer ) about any test happening .Was told no such test happening and was visited and asked about
    (questioned ) about incident the following day . While in the Corps a conversation about UFOS was started and I said about My experience and Another person said He was stationed at Area 51 and knew about the crafts there . He said He saw them

    1. I saw something similar late one night outside with my daughter. We were waiting to see the Space Shuttle passing overhead. We were in a large area of flat land, away from the city, in almost total darkness, watching for the reflective light of anything in orbit. Of interest, back in the '50's I got to see Sputnick,the first satellite pass overhead. It was a speck of light which went from horizontal horizon. Anyway, my young daughter and I were waiting for the space shuttle to appear. Finally, a speck of bright light appeared from the north, but it should have been from the west? The light was s bright as a bright star., but it was some type of satellite, I thought. It was traveling very fast and would have gone from horizon to horizon in about one minute. As the light was about 70 degrees above the horizon, without slowing one bit, it made a 90 degree change of direction and disappeared over the horizon to the east. It reminded me of a pinball machine when the ball bounces off a cushion. I've never seen anything like that since.

  8. Screw the Baden's government ! Its a joke to began with and now they can explain away UFOs I'm sorry I've worked on fighter planes and weapons systems for 37 years and I've personally seen the tic tack UFO along with 4 other people on one of the clearest nights ever we watched it come from deep space as at first we thought it was a shooting star but it wasn't and we were 32 floors up on a balcony and I can tell you we were closer to it then any fighter polit has been trying to track it Id say about 150 yards our less and at speed that nothing we have can do trust me with no sound now engine nothing and it did some things that defies the laws of physic's as we know as human's and it did one thing that I haven't heard any fighter polit say yet it change color from a brilliant solid white to a light green and it did it as it slowed right directly in front of us and for a split second in front of us almost like it was acknowledging us then turned back to a bright white then accelerated to thousands of miles per hour again with no sound no sonic boom no engine just a dead quite and it went starlight to the ocean and we watch this from deep space on a beautiful clear night around 2:30 in the morning but what really blew our minds as this whole experience has to all of us is that while it was traveling at thousands of miles per hour just before it appeared it was going to slam in to the water it made a L turn not a sweeping turn like a fight plane but a L turn it was insane ! nothing we have on earth can do that nothing ! then it was gone were it went out of our sight I guess it went into the water . I want to note this thing was not small it was a pretty good size . this can all be backed up by 4 other people and I called it in to the police department that night as it as it shocked us all and it still to this day troubles me as to what did we just see as it was not of this world and that was clear by what it did .
    And if by chance it is some new technology we have then that's great ! but if its our enemies then were in deep shit ! But what we seen that night I can tell you is not from here. I've tried to contact Military intelligence the Navy the FBI to see if any one wants to hear what we seen as we were pretty dam close to it and it did at least one thing different that the military reported when they were tiring to track it , it changed color. I've been told there Demons has in the bible I've been told there from another world I dont know what it is where it came from all I know is it was rea land I seen it clear as day.
    So now Bidens government is goin to explain off this UFO and what we seen ? I don't think so.

  9. Look no further than the oval office if you want to see an unidentified alien. Unfortunately we have made contact.....!!

    1. I am almost 96 yrs old and I was flying in a U.S> Naval aircraft taking pictures of the Atomic Bomb explosion over the New Mexico desert. It was 1947-48. Just before the detonation I took pictures of the unexploded bomb. Our pilot asked me what is that huge object to our north. I looked and saw a very large saucer shaped object that was also observing the bomb blast.We were so shookup over this aircraft that I was at a lost for words. The Navy told us to finish taking pictures of the blast and the other aircraft and return to base and give the pictures to our Officers. No one believe us but it is true. The weird craft was at least 150 ft. long and had small saucer like shape craft flying around it and going in a small opening on the side of the big craft. This actually happened but the Navy took our pictures so we only have our word with no proof. I was 32 yrs old at the time . I probably will not last thru this year but wanted some of you to know that it is the TRUTH!

  10. Any alien technology that could transit thousands of light-years through spacetime and slow down enough to take a break near or on our planet will have concluded our planet must be a zoo for misfit toys or sanitarium for all the universes' missing village idiots. I hope they bring pics of their home planet and lifestyle so we can learn how they made it through the difficult period of history our civilization is in right now... you know - trying to control the climate, change our atmosphere to get rid of volcanic gases, and cow farts!

  11. Y’all remember the government program from 1947 to about 1980 that was called “Project Blue Book” that was supposed to cover this subject! As I recall; the congress and president @ that time decided to shut that program down because it too expensive!
    After WW2, long about 47-48; a US AIR FORCE PILOT STATIONED AT FORT KNOX in Ky., chased a UFO over Indiana, and never returned to base! The Air Force found only the tail of his P-51 mustang in a field in Indiana!
    Just of many unsolved disappearances from that time period!

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