US Military Suicides Vastly Outnumber Combat Deaths Since 9/11

By Ethan Cole on
 June 24, 2021

The United States is no stranger to casualties in war. Troops are lost to enemy fire, bombs, and friendly fire. However, troops are not being lost to a whole new enemy.

Loss of Life

According to a study by Watson Institute at Brown University, since 9/11 we have been loosing astronomical numbers of service members to suicide. The study states that 7,057 member died in war efforts.

We have lost over 30,000 service members and veterans to suicide. The extensive study details how the military rate came to be so high, far surpassing the rates for civilians.

In the 35 pages the study says brain injuries, wartime injury treatment, public sentiment, and the extensive length of the wars increased the suicide rate. In 2018, the number rose 49% over previous years.

Rate Factors

Factors that are specialized to post 9/11 don't include traditional causes, factors like trauma, sexual abuse, lack of self-help support, moral responsibility among service members, and gun ownership.

The study author Thomas Howard Suitt, Ph.D., said, “This trend is deeply alarming."

He also said the trend shows a great failure on the part of the military. They are not managing "the mental health cost of our current conflicts."

Men Behind the Numbers

A cost he details in the study using statics from service member and their families stories. People who knew them best.

One service member was Marine Lt. Col. Brett A. Hart. He was a helicopter and MV-22B Osprey pilot almost ready to retire after serving for 30 years. He never made it to retirement.

Former Task & Purpose columnist and Marine aviator said, "Brett was one of the people that was so with it. He would be the guy I would call for advice. I can't figure out why he would do this."

The rate of reservists dying has risen too.


Traumatic brain injuries are one of the main causes of a higher suicide rate. One in five service members have received an injury, some more than one.

Russel Worth Parker had 17 saying he was "chronically tired," "subsequently angry," and "depressed." PTSD, lack of sleep, and other traumas continue to add to the problems for many service members.

“Unless the U.S. government and U.S. society makes significant changes in the ways we manage the mental health crisis among our service members and veterans, suicide rates will continue to climb. That is a cost of war we cannot accept.”

Thomas Howard Suitt

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18 comments on “US Military Suicides Vastly Outnumber Combat Deaths Since 9/11”

  1. You can’t train men to fight for their country and then let them watch their country fight within.
    How do you think that they feel watching their country destroy its self.

    1. AMEN! Just like when we came back from Nam & they called us baby and women killers, thin spit on us...

      1. Exactly these damn liberals started a war they were not able to complete.By the grace of God my name is not engraved on black granite
        Semper Fi

        1. IMO and my perspective Liberals for the most part are not nice...... but they think they are.

      2. And worse..those same Liberals that spit on us when we returned from Nam, and called us "Baby Killers" are the very same ones now that support and protest to allow the murder of tens of thousands of babies, who are ripped apart in the womb and their body parts sold to the highest bidder for medical experimentation.

      3. And worse..those same Liberals that spit on us when we returned from Nam, and called us "Baby Killers" are the very same ones now that support and protest to allow the murder of tens of thousands of babies, who are ripped apart in the womb and their body parts sold to the highest bidder for medical experimentation.

    2. That is so true. President Trump was bringing our country back to where we should be as a country. A strong USA that thinks of it's people, it's miltary and how the world looks at us.
      Before him and now it looks like these presidents want to tear our country apart and don't care about the people or the USA.

      1. We had the best President when Donald J. Trump was president the democrat and leftist did their best to ruin him. Even the Chinese (I heard) wanted President Trump gone. Well, some one or all of them succeeded. I will always believe the election was rigged. The only reason I can think of the this administration wants to tear own our country is so that they can have total control over everyone and everything. Biden should never have been elected president as he isn't mentally fit anymore, but people voted for him any way. Either they were died-in-the wool democrats or they just didn't like President Trump. A very dumb reason. Hope the ones that voted for for Biden are very sorry now.

  2. My son in law is a 17 year veteran, he was shot in Afghanistan !!! He has a hard time watching what his MILITARY family is going through !!!! He said that the biggest problem is that they fill LEFT IN THE COLD !!! He said that it improved with Trump, but the bureaucratic red tape to get help is TREMENDOUSLY difficult !!! But, now he has said he has been getting calls from guy's complaining about since biden took over, everything they do is being judged, some have been reprimanded for being TRUMP supporters !!!! Do they think that is going to help !!!!

  3. a view from a majority on the left is to fight past racism... with present racism... and also fight present racism with future racism as they hope it can never end .

    1. the DemonRats love to cause RACE issues, that keeps them in POWER. It's hard to believe that the Blacks have forgotten that it was the Dems That put their Ancestors into slavery and the Republicans that won their Freedom.

  4. Well, as long as you don't want my posts, I will unsubscribe instead of wasting my time posting.

  5. Disgraceful and disgusting. How dare this administration start this bs on our protectors We do have constitutional rights although democrat leaders do it anyway.

  6. Our government owes a LOT to our veterans!
    I served in the USN during Viet Nam on an aircraft carrier. I saw first hand what our soldiers and sailors had to go through.

  7. IMO and my perspective Liberals for the most part are not nice...... but they think they are. The Liberal who reads and edits this is a JERK Screw you

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