Winston Churchill's Plan To Take Down The Soviet Union With The German Army

By Ethan Cole on
 March 28, 2022

After World War II was over, Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister, was concerned about the Soviet Union. To him, the communist nation was a credible threat to democracy.

British Plan

Churchill was a known anti-Communist and often talked publicly about his beliefs. However, he used the same tactics in his speeches aimed toward the people of the Soviet Union as he did when he had talked about Stalin.

In 1946, Churchill gave a speech saying he was convinced that the Soviets were trying to expand into Asia and Europe. In the U.S., President Harry Truman agreed.

According to Rakesh Krishnan Simha of Russia, India Report wrote that Churchill had his War Cabinet create a plan to "impose upon Russia the will of the United States and the British Empire."

Churchill was poised and ready for World War III in case it was necessary. His plan was called "Unthinkable" and planned for British, American, and Polish troops to take on the Soviets.

Planning Obstacles

There was a massive gap between the Soviet's ground troops and the American and British troops. The gap could not be closed even with the American and British naval and air forces.

Even Churchill's Defense Minister saw the discrepancy and worried that they would not be able to defeat the Soviets quickly and the war would go on for years with heavy losses on their side.

The other problem was that the Americans were still fighting against the Japanese in the Pacific. For Churchill's plan to work, they would need the Americans to help, especially since Europe as a whole was still recovering from World War II.

The British also needed a plan to defend the British Isles. While the Russians did not have the same submarine power the Germans did, they could still launch rocket attacks.

The planning committee warned Churchill of the potential of a Russian threat. Russia produced a mass amount of weapons giving the British the fear of a "far heavier scale of attack than the Germans were able to develop and no way of effectively reducing this."

Churchill was forced to put the plan to rest since the rocket theory could have destroyed the British Isles, and the Americans would not be participating.

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7 comments on “Winston Churchill's Plan To Take Down The Soviet Union With The German Army”

  1. General Patton was the one who wanted to kick the Russians ass after WW 11 . He was the Gov of German operations after the war . Wanted to use the Germans to Defeat the Russians .. Churchill May have had a plan to do the same , but Pattons plan is what got him killed in a mysterious car crash getting hit by a train . The American Govt may have been involved in the Assination of Patton

    1. General Omar Bradley thought Patton had lost his mind when he learned of Pattons plan using the German army.. Sad because Patton was right about the Russians

    2. Patton’s limo was hit by a large truck that pulled in front of him. Details were never investigated. He was treated in the military hospital in Heidelberg for several weeks and recovered enough to return to AMERICA. But a day or two before he was to leave, he was slipped a chemical (later confirmed by a KBG Russian agent) which made him appear to suffer a heart attack. An autopsy was never performed.

      1. Mrs. Patton would sit beside her husband by the hour. She did leave one time and when she came back, he was dead

  2. Winston Churchill was not going against Russia just like our country they were in bed with the commies. Patton wanted to arm the Germans and destroy Russia, and said we fought the wrong people he was assassinated. churchhill and truman and Roosevelt, were in bed with the zionist

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