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10 comments on “WATCH: US Marines Ambushed By Taliban Forces In Sangin”

  1. Seems most of the elites like to send others into combat. Or do nothing knowing someone’s son or daughter, not theirs, is left behind. When something good happens, they take credit. When something bad happens, it wasn’t their fault. I am sure they are cowards. The word I used when I was younger, was piss ants. Lazy people. Have no clue what the word common sense is. It’s not possible for them to understand anyone outside of their little clique. So they ignore people. Unfortunately, God knows their heart. Empty as their promises If they repent, God can help. If they do not, they are separated from God.

  2. Biden has done nothing but RUIN our country and her reputation!!!! Did he serve in the military??? I'm guessing he didn't!!! My dad was a member of The Greatest Generation, who served 2 tours in the Pacific as a career Marine Naval aviator and then he went to Korea. My former spouse, was also a career Marine Naval aviator. Daddy is in Heaven and I know he's LIVID about the changes in the mlitary and their declining leadership...and the DAMN WOKENESS! WE NEED LEADERS IN OUR COUNTRY WITH BACKBONES...LIKE TED CRUZ, GOV. ABBOTT IN TEXAS AND RON DeSANTIS in Florida. I don't care what people say about Trump, he had GREAT plans for the U.S. and Biden blew them to HELL. It's time for a BRAINSCAN..FOR ALL DEMOCRATS!!!!

    1. OK Gretchen please ensure that you are at the front of the line 4 a brainscan. drumpf was / is always prepared and anxious as hell to spend the public's money on himself. drumpf had 4 years in office and always talked "big" and did shit.

      1. Roland your out of koolaid! You’re as blind as a bat when it comes to Trump. So, tell me are you filling your vehicle up at $5 a gallon (Thanks biden) or still riding your trike?!

  3. Warfare with the Taliban appears to require detailed, sensitive prior study and analysis of their tactics before being ambushed as in this video.

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