Alma Firefighters Launch Flood Rescue Effort Amid State Of Emergency

By Ethan Cole on
 May 11, 2021

While rain brings fresh water and growth, too much all at once can create a flood situation. Residents of Arkansas recently saw firsthand the effects of too much rain in many of their counties.

Flood Warning

Alma, Arkansas hit the trifecta with Mother Nature. Fort Smith saw 2.51 inches of rain, while under a seven-hour tornado and a subsequent flood warning.

There was so much rain in western and eastern Arkansas that the National Weather Service estimated that water in the Arkansas River would rise 27.5 feet.

The water in the river began to swell in Crawford County, prompting a judge to issue a state of emergency. According to 5News, roads were washed out, and waters reached the base of bridges spanning the river.

The Crawford County Emergency Management Director Brad Thomas said the county was considering dropping the floodgates on the levees to alleviate some of the water flow. He had also alerted those who lived in high-risk areas to the possible flood dangers.

Water Rescue's

With all of the rain the river received, the flow was moving at five times its normal speed. The fast-moving waters prompted many water rescues throughout the area.

The Thursday after the rains was a very busy day for first responders. Early that morning, they rescued five people who were trapped. Alma fire department saved four people from the Chitwood Apartments at 1:30 a.m. as rising water trapped them inside their homes.

County sheriff's deputies came to the aid of a man at 7:15 a.m. He was at Clear Creek Park, and his mobile home was partially covered in water due to water from the Frog Bayou.

The U.S. Corps of Engineers and park managers had previously instructed campers to move away from the low spots and higher ground.

Retrieving the RV

One camper Steven Farquhar had spoken to the man, "I told the guy, the gentleman who owns the motor home, 'I would have left out of there yesterday. I wouldn't have waited around,'"

It took Alma Auto Service hours to retrieve the RV from the water. They attached cables to the vehicle and working around the trees that were between the RV and land.

Typically, more vehicle rescues are seen when flooding like this happens. However, many people took the advice issued by first responders and stayed away from potential flood areas.

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8 comments on “Alma Firefighters Launch Flood Rescue Effort Amid State Of Emergency”

  1. Stop illegal Mexicans, Honduran's and others from invading America and we won't have to worry so much about why everything is constantly being flooded! Before long, we'll be living like those slant eyes stacked up in those 10x10 cubicles and eating rice with sticks! Alley cats will become as scarce as aardvarks! WAKE UP AMERICA!

  2. Stopping all illegals is the answer to a safer and better USA.............Thanks to JB and the rest of the DEMS/LIBS, they are letting in health problems, terrorists, Killers........

  3. They keep promising more riots, more issues, and defunding PD. Dont they realize PD is the ONLY reason they can "Riot" and walk away? Kudo's to 1st responders everywhere, and you WILL have BACKUP if i'm anywhere near, both Medical AND Fire support. 19D, 11B, 91A/B/V medical training, Bravo 4, best was 1428m.

  4. Hello James. What are you going to do? Every body vote for Trump in 2024 and pray all the Left Wing election scams have been exposed and are STOPPED. Also vote Republican in 2020. Simple solution is it not?

  5. Way cool! Some extremely valid points! I appreciate you writing this post and also the rest of the site is very good.

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