Atlanta Prosecutor Convicted in $15M COVID Relief Scam And Political Donations Exposed

 June 10, 2024

In Atlanta, a scandal involving a high-profile prosecutor and massive COVID-19 fund fraud has sent ripples through the city’s legal and political communities.

Shelitha Robertson, 62, was jailed for a $15 million COVID fraud and had donated $1,000 to Fani Willis's campaign during the Democratic primary election. 

According to Daily Mail, Robertson's downfall is marked by her conviction for fabricating details about her businesses to illicitly gain access to the U.S. federal government's Paycheck Protection Program loans. Her fraudulent claims included non-existent operations of four businesses, supposedly providing livelihoods to over 400 employees.

Her shopping spree with the stolen funds included a Rolls Royce, a 10-carat diamond ring, and even a motorcycle, illustrating a severe misuse of funds meant for struggling small businesses during the pandemic.

Connection to District Attorney Raises Eyebrows

Further complicating Robertson's case is her financial link to Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. Robertson had donated $1,000 to Willis's campaign for the Democratic primary around May 22, 2020.

This contribution has drawn scrutiny due to Willis later embarking on significant legal pursuits, including prosecuting former President Donald Trump.

This association has led to public debates about the nature of their relationship, especially as the high-stakes case against Trump is currently paused due to the unfolding scandal around Robertson.

From Law Enforcement To Convicted Felon

Robertson began her career in law enforcement, later transitioning to a role within the city’s legal department, eventually rising to the position of Atlanta's assistant city attorney. Her fall from grace has been both rapid and stark.

Her influence extended beyond her professional life. Together with her daughter, an influencer, Robertson hosted a podcast that dispensed life and business advice—a venture that now casts a shadow over her previous words of inspiration.

Luxury and Loss: The Dual Faces of Deception

In a poignant irony, during her podcast, Shelitha Robertson once advised, "When you have a passion for something that you love, you can do it for free. Don't ever chase the money. The money will come. Chase your passion, chase your dream." These words now hold a bitter echo, considering her recent criminal activities.

Her daughter, Brii Renee, praised Robertson's role as a mother on social media, highlighting the stark contrast between her public persona and the private reality.

Legal Repercussions and Personal Regret

The legal consequences for Shelitha Robertson have been severe. In addition to the prison sentence, she has been stripped of her law license, her business has been dissolved, and her financial assets have been depleted.

Expressing remorse, Robertson remarked after her sentencing, "My business is gone. My (law) license is gone. My assets are gone. The only thing I have left is my family and my faith in God."


Shelitha Robertson’s case is a cautionary tale about the misuse of government aid and the personal and professional fallout that can result from such actions. Her connections to high-profile political figures and her statements about integrity and passion paint a complex picture of her rise and fall. As the legal processes continue to unfold, the community watches and waits to see the full ramifications of her actions.

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