Firefighters Rescue Children From Burning Home, Get Them To Hospital In Critical Condition

By Ethan Cole on
 August 26, 2021

Ten fire departments responded to the scene of a blaze in an Ohio neighborhood. A fire had broken out at 4:45 a.m. in a triplex on Green Acre Drive.

Rescuing The Occupants

One neighbor Lynn Jones said. "I woke up 5 o'clock this morning, and I thought my bedroom window was on fire."

The fire had begun around 15 minutes prior inside a multi-family home. Then, Jones said, "I saw a whole bunch of fire. It was coming out of the roof, coming from out of the side, and they were busting out the windows."

Other neighbors were awakened by the sounds of children who were trapped in the home. According to one of the survivor's daughters, Karlysha Williams, her father heard "kids screaming, that's why he woke up."

The fire crews worked to rescue the children, but they needed medical attention by the time they got out.

Resident Jordan Copeland said, "They’re only 3 or 4, and they were stuck in there for a long time." Crews had to deal with flames, fog, and heavy smoke while they worked to get to the children.

Community Effort

Firefighters were not the only ones trying to get to the kids. EMTs were there waiting to give the children the medical attention they needed.

A neighbor also assisted the first responders. When one of the children got outside the home, the neighbor stepped in.

Copeland said, “I saw her trip here, and I picked up the gurney and started running over here."

Dispatch said the entire rescue took around half-hour from the time they received the call to when the children's ambulance made it to the hospital.

Taken to Safety

According to Liberty Fire Chief Gus Birch, the two children went to St. Elizabeth Hospital and were listed in critical condition. From there, they were transferred to Akron Children's Hospital.

“I know there was a father in the front yard. He told us where the fire was and where the kids were. We were able to get to them quickly."

Chief Birch

The fire was a tough one to put out since it had been running throughout the home for the entire morning. The home is beyond repair, and the cause of the fire has not been determined.

Property owner John Dobrilovic said, “Hopefully, the two young ones are OK. The building is monetary — that can be fixed."

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