Firefighters save man struck by boat...

By Ethan Cole on
 September 7, 2020

Sacramento California is experiencing a severe heat wave, with temperatures nearing 110 degrees. This means many locals are flocking to whatever body of water they can find to cool off.

The Sacramento River is especially busy this time a year and is even more crowded during the current heat wave. There have been many incidents of people drowning due to the crowded beaches and careless boaters.

On Saturday, September 5 2020, one such beach goer was struck by a boat and the propellor caused "traumatic wounds". The Sacramento Fire Department responded and rescued the man. He was stabilized and rushed to a local trauma center where he continues to remain stable:

We salute the Sacramento Fire Department for acting quickly and saving a life. These men and women walk the thin line between order and chaos, putting the lives of others before their own!

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