Heroic Police Officers Rescue Unconscious Woman From Burning Vehicle

By Ethan Cole on
 May 1, 2021

Driving at night can be difficult for even the most experienced of drivers. Two teenagers learned quickly just how dangerous slipping out of your lane can be.

Fiery Crash

In Georgia, two 18-year-olds were driving down the road when the driver lost control. According to Savannah Police Department's Traffic Investigation Unit, the driver, Jaydon Brown, "failed to maintain his lane and struck a light pole and a tree before striking another tree head-on."

Brown hit the tree so hard that it caused the car to spin into the middle of the road, where it "caught on fire."

According to Western Journal, the driver was able to safely exit the vehicle. However his passenger was stuck inside.

Officers Arrive To Help

When officers arrived on the scene, they worked to get the girl out of the car while flames burned all around them. Officers ran to the car, trying everything they could think of to get the teenager out of the passenger seat.

In the bodycam footage, you can see them try the door, break windows, and eventually get her out of the car. It was so difficult to get her out of the vehicle they had to pull her out of the front seat through the rear passenger side.

Once they got her out of the car, firefighters arrived to extinguish the flames. Both of the 18-year-olds went to the hospital with severe injuries.

Department Recognition

The seven officers who assisted in this rescue were identified as Cpl. Jacob Davey, Officer Timothy Valmont, Officer Janson Neff, Officer Molly Moran, Officer Sidney Delince, Officer Jason Zimmerman, and Officer Anthony Traniello.

Police Chief Roy Minter expressed his gratitude for the officer's actions.

“I am so proud of these officers for their actions when responding to the scene last night. They literally ran toward the flames and worked quickly as a team to not only remove the passenger from the car but get her to a safe location.”

Chief Roy Minter

Saving Lives

Undoubtedly, the officer's quick actions and willingness to keep trying saved this 18-year-olds life. If they had not acted as quickly as they did, this accident might have become a tragedy.

Especially since the young woman was unconscious and the car was almost entirely on fire. The officers gave their all to ensure that a life was saved, no matter the circumstances nor how difficult it may have seemed.

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22 comments on “Heroic Police Officers Rescue Unconscious Woman From Burning Vehicle”

  1. Amen God bless those brave officers for caring going beyond to save a life
    I am so proud of them as our country should be.
    Our men and women in blue are truly a rare breed i cheer all of them knowing what they go thru each day
    Many prayers offered in thanks

  2. Maybe it's a good thing the police department was NOT defined, like the moron libs want it to be. Let's ask the kids and the families that were saved. Or maybe they could have called BLM (yes right). I would like to say Thanks to brave police officers who saved the lives of 2 teenagers.

    1. Or slimy political scum that tiredly attacking our police officers wo actually put their lives in danger to save lives!!!! I am so furious of the ENEMY within trying to take this country down no matter what it takes !

  3. What a wonderful testimony of the men in blue, a rebuke to the low life's who speak evil of the hero's who serve our nation. God bless you.

  4. Thanks so much please.dont let the crazy left wing cause you to give up your job we really need you guys and girls love you all and thanks so much for the job(s) you do every day God bless.you

  5. I'm so thankful that those police officers saved both of those teenage kids lives. They the real heroes in most places and they put their lives in danger everyday (not the BLM) people. All the BLM does is cause trouble in our cities. It shouldn't be just black lives matter it should be all lives matter.

  6. Now how will the "woke" liberals slant this? Can't wait to see if MSM even says anything or will just ignore the brave policemen who worked to save her life while imperiling their own. Thank you Officers for doing what you did to save her.

  7. Police. Do things like this every day you just don’t here about it from pulling some one out of a car on fire or buying some one food. Or paying for some one grocery’s .
    There always on the front lines .

    1. Yes, I agree. I wear a mask with the thin blue line flag on it and off duty police have said "Thank You " to me several times as I go different places.

  8. Would it make sense if all vehicles had racing roll bars in the vehicles? How many people's lives would that save? Then again, it might make people to do more dangerous bolder actions, than when in a normal automobile.

  9. God continues to bless our police officers that risk their lives everyday to serve us inspite of the ridicules they face each day

  10. I hope someday soon, that We the People will be able to designate a holiday date to honor all
    Police, firefighters, rescuers, and have rallies, parade with bands all across our beautiful country!
    It is time for our country to reinvent some festivities! Families could/would gather in rallies, and
    Children from infancy to adulthood would feel a special admiration once again, fort he millions who
    Serve, Save, Die fir others that they may live! Alleluia!
    P.S tired of seeing our low paying servants get sued, murdered & ambushed! Restore “Respect”
    Human-beings in Uniforms! Amen! So Be It! J

  11. Let’s reinvent the media & store news-stands with decent, law abiding news stories! Garbage in, garbage out has to go to H-ok! It is time to save our children for the future! Change journalism to
    Decency! Come on People! We’re better then present liberal progressives! We The People know how to unify! Convert & Revert from bad to Good! Each person has something positive to contribute to life!
    Burn the trash! Save the embers for new life! Incense sends prayers upward to loved ones in afterlife!
    Take up faith & befriend Jesus-God! This world would have the biggest Change overnight! Watch and
    See the goodness of Gid who is Love, Love always!

  12. Give our officers a raise and this kind of daily recognition. Defund the politicians.

  13. I'm so happy hat this was potd. The brave police officers don't get the good press they deserve. I want to thank each and every GREAT officer that wears a badge. THANK YOU for all you do for us.

  14. God bless our men in blue, who have a backbone instead of a wishbone. Our prayers and support for them is 100 percent.

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