Las Vegas Teen Reports Supernatural Encounter After Alleged UFO Crash

 April 26, 2024

On a quiet night in Las Vegas, a 17-year-old's backyard became the stage for a bewildering incident.

Angel Kenmore claimed to have a close encounter with a large "demon" after witnessing what appeared to be a UFO crash near his home on April 30, 2023.

The Daily Mail reported that on the night of April 30, while many were likely asleep, Angel Kenmore was wide awake. Around 11:50 PM, he witnessed a massive light descending towards his backyard, followed by what he described as a loud crash.

Teen feels paralyzed during eerie encounter

According to Kenmore, he encountered a towering creature with glossy, large eyes and a menacing demeanor. He said, "It was moving and breathing. It was pissed off like it wanted to do something looking at me." This description paints a terrifying picture of his experience.

"When I looked at it in the eyes, my body just froze, like the same experience of having sleep paralysis," recounted Angel Kenmore. He felt an overwhelming sense of fear as the creature seemed to exert control over him.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Kenmore did not delay in calling 911. Police promptly arrived at the scene, their bodycam footage inadvertently capturing an unusual blue light in the sky, supporting Kenmore's extraordinary claims.

Community buzzes over mysterious sighting

Immediately following this incident, another local reported similarly strange experiences, suggesting this was not an isolated event. Online, Kenmore shared his story in a series of videos, amassing nearly a million views and sparking intense debate among skeptics and believers alike.

His narrative has stirred a mix of fear, curiosity, and skepticism. "I made no money off this. I don't need money. It was a really bad and traumatizing experience," he asserts, trying to quell any rumors of this being a publicity stunt.

Experts have chimed in on the peculiar occurrence. Robert Lunsford of the American Meteor Society suggested the crash might have been a meteor. "We're certain it was a meteor because of the duration of the event," he said. Most witnesses reported the event lasting mere seconds, a detail consistent with meteors rather than slower-moving space debris.

Differing theories spark further investigation

Theories about the nature of this incident abound, with some suggesting debris from a nearby Air Force base. However, Creech and Nellis Air Force Base officials have denied involvement. This perplexes the community and authorities, probing alternate explanations for the unsettling episode.

Kenmore provided a more in-depth description:

I'm staring at him and I'm looking at his whole body and he has weird looking feet and a big face and eyes and you could see a big mouth. I could hear his loud deep breathing and I could see his stomach moving. He would just stare at me, seconds later I could start moving again. That's when I called 911.

As authorities continue to investigate, the attention from digital spectators and the firsthand traumatic experience of Kenmore create a modern-age narrative of mystery and intrigue.


This event left Angel Kenmore shaken and ignited widespread debate and speculation across various platforms. As investigations proceed, the community remains on edge, eager to answer this perplexing mystery that blends the supernatural with the scientifically plausible.

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