Officer Runs Towards Burning Building To Try And Save Family

By Ethan Cole on
 July 23, 2021

In a perfect case of in the right place at the right time, a New York officer was able to save a family from their burning home, as it quickly went up in flames.

Saving Lives

Jamestown Police Officer Mark Conklin answered a call on Baker Street. However, he was told that they possibly was a house fire nearby on William Street, Jamestown Police Chief Tim Jackson said

In recently released body cam footage, you can see Conkilin running through the neighborhood toward the home, a little after midnight. When he got to the home, it was covered in flames.

According to Chief Jackson, an adult and multiple kids were stuck on the second story of the home. Conklin, 25, said he only though of one thing as he ran up to the second story to help the family escape.

"Make sure everyone gets out."

Officer Conklin

Fire Fighter Backup

He called the Jamestown Fire Department for help and got closer to the hot fire so he could catch a woman and child who were jumping down from a window.

He was able to get three vicictims from the first floor of the house. None of the family members was injured in the fire or while being rescue.

“I can say that I have seen many examples of heroism over the years by officers. After watching the video of this incident and speaking to others involved, I can say that the actions of Officer Conklin were, to say the least, one of the most outstanding examples of bravery, heroism, and exemplary service I have seen.”

Chief Jackson

The chief also made sure to point out just how wonderful it was to have officer like Conklin on their team. Conklin was just happy to help. For him, it was another day of doing his job and helping someone. "Im just glad I was in the right place at the right time," Conlin said.

A GoFund me page has been started for the family since they lost almost everything in the fire.

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8 comments on “Officer Runs Towards Burning Building To Try And Save Family”

    1. The Dems do not care. The more people they rid of the better it is for them. Not all Police are bad. So many of them care very much. I've seen it so much more than not. Save the Police people. We need them!

  1. Typical brave actions by law enforcement officers. This is what we are all about, protecting our community.

  2. Those who want to defund the police are the criminals or those leaders who have sons, daughters, husbands, wives, whoever, in jail now or they have been. It's time to build our law enforcement departments back up and give the criminals more than a slap on the wrist.

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