BREAKING: Pentagon Considering Posthumous Medal Of Honor For Sgt. 1st Class Alwyn Cashe

By Ethan Cole on
 August 21, 2020

Nearly 15 years after giving his life trying to safe his fellow soldiers, the Pentagon may be reversing the initial decision not to honor Cashe with the Medal of Honor.

If awarded the medal, he would be the first African American to receive it from recent wars.

Cashe was not initially awarded the Medal of Honor because the soldiers he he rescued were allegedly not in active combat, despite the fact that their vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb.

However, it has been found that reports may have left out the fact that enemy gunfire was indeed strafing their position as Cashe carried out his heroic actions.

Cashe wasn’t initially hurt when a roadside bomb exploded Oct. 17 next to his Bradley Fighting Vehicle while on patrol in Samara, Iraq, family members said.

But he suffered second- and third-degree burns over 70 percent of his body when he ran back into the vehicle in an attempt to rescue other soldiers trapped inside, according to his family.


Cashes nomination is now being provided to the President for final consideration of the Medal of Honor.

We hope that he is granted this honor. Thin Line News is dedicated to men and women of this caliber and they deserve to be recognized for their sacrifice!

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