Rescue Team Saves Man Who Survived Staggering 150 Foot Fall Into Mine Shaft

By Ethan Cole on
 April 27, 2021

In many parts of the country, abandoned mine shafts can be found in remote areas, and all of them have the potential of being dangerous. While falling into mine shafts is not a common occurrence, it has been known to happen occasionally.

150 Feet Down

On the 24th, a 30-year-old man found himself stuck 150 feet down the shaft of an abandoned mine. The shaft was a part of the Eureka Mine on Pike Hill in Corinth, VT.

Multiple first responder crews came together to get the man out of the shaft. According to WMURG, the man had been down in the copper shaft for around two hours before the first crew arrived.

Rescuers came from both Vermont as well as New Hampshire. According to Bangor Daily News, the man was hypothermic and sustained serious injuries.

According to Chief Martin McMillan, "I think he slipped-we're not 100 percent sure-and then actually fell down the shaft, maybe just taking a look at it." The ground around the mine and the interior were frozen.

Rescue Efforts

According to a department press release, the Corinth and Tri-Village Fire Departments with the Upper Valley Ambulance were the first on-site.

The Technical Rescue Force was then requested. This task force was made up of Hanover and Lebanon, NH crews, plus members of the Harford and Thetford, VT fire departments.

The team put together a "twin tensioned rope rescue system." Two firefighter/ paramedics were sent down into the shaft. The man went into a stokes basket and was raised out of the shaft. An ATV from the Thetford Fire Department took him to an ambulance, which then transported him to a waiting helicopter.

The man was taken to the hospital. Currently, his condition is unknown. The rescue took around an hour overall, including the time it took to get the man into the waiting helicopter.

"It was a very well-coordinated effort, not by me, but by all of us coming together as a single entity and making this happen in a very professional and rapid fashion. This particular situation went like clockwork. Just nice when everything comes together, and we make it happen."

Hanover, New Hampshire Fire Department Chief Martin McMillian

Coordinated Effort

With so many teams working together, it takes a precise and coordinated effort to rescue someone who has been trapped in a mine shaft. These firefighters and paramedics each performed their roles perfectly and quickly getting this man to safety.

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11 comments on “Rescue Team Saves Man Who Survived Staggering 150 Foot Fall Into Mine Shaft”

  1. Our police and fire fighters rate right up there with veterans as far as I am concerned. The best of the best for the most part.

  2. Yes and our police are the same. Democrats r trying to replace them with federal cops which would be the end .

  3. Bravo to the rescue teams who made everything go well for the man who fell 150 feet. He is lucky to be alive, God Bless the team who saved him and the victim, himself.

    1. I agree with all of you and so glad they got him out, however, I have not read anything as to how they knew he was there. Does anyone know how they knew about him being down the shaft so that help could come.

  4. I have faith that our rescue workers will work together to help anyone who has fallen "down a mine shaft, or other hole" in the ground. God bless those who work and serve to help the people in their area/state/place of residence. We are truly blessed to have good and kind people to help those in need.

  5. If only we can get our government to work together instead of the government trying to destroy our Republic under the DemonRatic Party..

  6. What a blessing just the right officers and firefighters 🧯 came to the rescue they deserve applause and if only their good works were published more than the negatives !

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