Suspect Uses Infant To Lure Police Into Ambush, Multiple Casualties

By Ethan Cole on
 February 12, 2022

Nine Phoenix police officers were wounded in a shocking ambush while responding to a report of a shooting. The incident turned into an hours-long standoff.

The first officers to arrive at the scene found themselves in a "baited" situation, according to Sergeant Andy Williams with Phoenix Police Department. The suspect had apparently phoned 911 and lured officers to the scene using an infant before opening fire.

Officers returned fire as the suspect barricaded himself inside a residence with an infant.

Phoenix police said three of their wounded officers were in stable condition at Maricopa Medical Center and one was being treated for non-life threatening injuries, KTVK reported. The other five injured phoenix officers were taken to St. Joseph's Hospital and treated for minor injuries.

The suspect, identified as 34-year-old D'Andre Wright, surrendered to police shortly after noon and was taken into custody. He has been charged with two counts of attempted murder, nine counts of aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer and one count of child abuse.

Williams said it's unclear if the suspect was injured in the shooting.

"This is not a game," Phoenix Police Chief Jeri Williams said, KTVK reported. "What this person did today is an absolute tragedy."

Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego also weighed in on Twitter, saying: "I am grateful to our officers for their service and that no lives were lost. This senseless act of violence is despicable and will not be tolerated."

Thank you for your service, Phoenix Police Department. We are grateful that no officers were killed in the line of duty today. This senseless act of violence is despicable and will not be tolerated.

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29 comments on “Suspect Uses Infant To Lure Police Into Ambush, Multiple Casualties”

    1. I agree 100% with you Marilyn but people just don’t care because it doesn’t directly affect them. Vote them all out of office!

  1. Attention judges: Unless and until you do your jobs and send criminals like this away for their lifetime, things like this will continue. If an officer dies, the criminal should die and all assets should be sold and profits go to the prison system!!

    1. Nancy, I believe all the assets , if there is any , go directly to the officers family. There’s enough corruption in the prison system.

      1. I agree in part here but if ANYONE, including police officers, die the criminal should also die and his/her assets sold - profits to go to victim's families.

      1. I think if someone shoots a polioce officer, that person needs to be shot on the spot forget about a trail where a corrupt judge will just let him walk. Death penalty, yes, but then don't allow them sit on death row. pull the plug on them the same day.

        1. I believe that,too, for those like these officers. But, they need to get rid of the bad officers. They make it hard on the good ones. I believe that there are only a few that are not there to serve and protect.
          This country has become so messed up

  2. These politicians say the same response every time an officer is wounded or killed. Take NY PD for example. How many officers were KILLED in the line of duty in a two week period? And the politicians come running to the microphone for a photo op. How disrespectful to the officers and their families. Have you seen any of these incidents change policy, add more police officers, retrain to be aware of ambushes ( this is the method lately to kill police officers) and what to look for? NO. NO. NO! Talk talk and more talk. We the People have to change this by voting these anti- cop mentality. God Bless our officers all over the country and their families.

    1. Cathy they will unless they turn to God and repent. God separates us from our sins as far as east is from west. Most people do not realize the Bible says we must kill the evil ones to protect the innocent. We need the gallows and let them hang until they are good and ripe so people will see and have second thoughts about their actions. Hopefully it would stop them from doing bad things.

  3. This country has pretty much lost all common sense, and with all the violence in the media anymore it's little wonder some people feel like that's the only way to solve a problem.

    As a veteran, I really believe the way we could reduce the amount of violence in our country is to make it mandatory for every young person that completes their schooling, whether they drop out or get their PHD, should be required to serve six months civil service in a 2nd or 3rd world country. NOT in a war, but simply civil service.

    They would really appreciate what they already have to be grateful for instead of thinking they 'deserve' more. None of us are 'entitled' to anything. If you want more, you work hard for what you need and want. It's just that simple.

    1. It would help If parents of today knew how to be parents, They just let their kids run free and expect someone else to teach them right from wrong.

      1. This lack of parental care and discipline started with Dr. Spock and his ''don't spank your child - talk to them''. BTW - Spock's son committed suicide. I guess he didn't practice what he preached.

        1. My mother had that d@mn book. I read it while in grade school. What a waste. I watched my sister be raised by those rules. Big mistake. I was older missed out on that clap trap, thankfully.

        2. My mom never hit me. But, I remember that if I disappointed her, I felt destroyed. She was so amazing.
          I loved my dad. But, growing up, my memories of him were mostly of him yelling
          I think that children need discipline and they need to know that they are loved unconditionally. Every child is different, just as every adult is different.
          A big fallacy,on this country, is dropping God out of family loves and our country.

    2. Most of the problems stem from these individuals who elect these spineless, ballless, and gutless useless liberal jerks who then set up stupid laws. And this is all because people do not vote, therefore these special interests are able to elect these worthless pieces of crap.

  4. This is what happens when you have left wing liberals running our country. Get rid of Biden Polowski, and Chuck Schumer and all the other scumbag liberals voting the way they have and taking our rights away and lying to us. The president should take the mental test and Dr. Fucci should be in jail he’s a fucking worthless lying thug.

  5. It is a sad day when so many officrers have been put down because of a ruthless no good. I pray all the officers will come back stronger then before. I thank them for all they do. Not long ago I had to drive in phoenix to a hospital to pick up my husband because he had a heart attack, we live in the small town of Duncan, Arizona, after nine hours driving around phoenix. When i gave in and called the police for help. I'm sorry i did not get the two officers's names who came to help me. I followed them to the hospital, I so appreciate the police and thank them every day for being there for me.

  6. If they shoot police they shoot be shot on the spot and not given a chance to surrender. Kill a few of them and this would stop.

  7. I'm glad no officers were injured, The criminal, after trial should be executed for his actions. while it is still debated if this would act as a deterrent this course of action gaurentees that HE wont do this or anything similar again. good enough for me.

  8. Ok - nowhere in the article did it say what happened to the baby? I am very grateful to God that no officers were killed over a total waste of humanity, but did I miss something?

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