Dayton Police Officer Takes Bullet To The Head, Stays In The Fight

By Ethan Cole on
 September 23, 2021

When a Dayton police officer was shot in the head while responding to a call, he did not give up. Instead, he returned fire.

Fraud Complaint

According to the Dayton Daily News, the officer responded to a Dollar General's fraud report around 6:45 p.m. at the Gettysburg Avenue store.

The officer took down the complaint, then went to Ingram Street to look for the suspect. It was around 7:24 p.m., according to DPD Department Interim Chief Matt Carper.

The officer located the suspect in the 600- block of Ingram Street. He told the suspect to stop. However, instead of following the officers' instructions, the suspect allegedly struck the officer and tried to run away.

“The officer used his Taser on the suspect, who went to the ground, retrieved a handgun and fired at least one round at the officer, striking the officer on the side of his head."

Chief Carper

Taken To The Hospital

Even though he was wounded, the officer immediately fired back at the suspect, hitting him multiple times. The officer was taken via patrol vehicle to the Miami Valley Hospital by a fellow officer.

According to Carper, the officer is in stable condition. The injured suspect was taken by ambulance to the same hospital and is listed in critical condition.

“What started out as a fraud call quickly turned into a senseless, violent attack on a police officer. Our prayers right now are with this officer and his family.”

Chief Carper

In a show of support for the injured officer, area law enforcement gathered at the entrance to the hospital's emergency room. Law enforcement officials identified the suspect as 39-year-old Antwayne Deon Lowe.

The injured officer was Thadeu Holloway, who has been with the department for eight years.

Calm Under Fire

Carper commended Holloway for keeping his cool while the incident was unfolding. In bodycam footage, Holloway calmly asked for help for the suspect and himself as he lay in the grass bleeding.

He relayed his exact position and condition to dispatchers and can even be heard in the footage nicely asking those in the area to stay inside or where they were.

At first, Holloway did not want to leave the scene and was concerned about the suspect. Holloway said, "He still has a gun under him. Wait for more crews."

Lowe will have charges filed against him, including counterfeiting and felonious assault on an officer.

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21 comments on “Dayton Police Officer Takes Bullet To The Head, Stays In The Fight”

  1. Must not have been a Black suspect otherwise it would have stated another black man shot by Police Officer. Not Police officer shot in head.

      1. LMAO at the nativity of uninformed or those who still believe we aren't under siege by politicians,media, and mullets deep state. The USA NOW HAS MORE NAZIS , PLANNING GENOCIDE. OVER 30 TIMES THE ENTIRE NAZI MILITARY

  2. My heart goes out to the officer and his family.

    I will NEVER understand how anyone can justify the expenditure of rescuing, by ambulance, and heroic hospital measures to save a felon!

    1. Yes I agree. The Police Officer was doing his job. My Prayers go for the Police Officer Full Recovery. The Suspect must learn Obedience and Respect for Authority. When the Suspect gets out of the hospital he must go straight to Prison for attempting to kill a Police Officer.

      1. DHS AND BIDEN WILL GIVE THE POS A GOOD CITIZEN AWARD,SEND HIM TOO CA. FOR NEWSOME TOO HAVE A PRESS CONFERENCE, DECLARE HIM CITIZEN OF THE YEAR. Give him $1200, a apartment,debit card for meals and drugs, and a lawyers phone number

  3. Kudos to this brave and highly competent Officer. Very proud of him for remaining in the fight and stopping the suspect from escaping and possibly harming others. Praying for his complete recovery!

  4. Prayers for this much braver than me officer! Politicians must stay out of politicizing our law enforcement professionals... maybe pelosi, schumer, etc should do some ride alongs! Being where the action is ain't the same as sitting in a chamber deciding who knows more about law enforcement them or enforcement! Bless you sir!

  5. In Orlando, Florida one of these animal thugs set up his phone camera then snuck up and attacked a cop with a brick. He was arrested - should have been put down. Anyone who wants to protest that shit there are plenty of rounds waiting for you too. This shit has to stop. It is up to us we know damned well our candy assed vote chasing politicians will not do the right thing. All they do is empower thugs. Thug lives DON'T MATTER.

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