US Army Arctic Training In Intimidation Blow To Putin

By Ethan Cole on
 March 3, 2024

The bravery and resilience of the U.S. Army's 1st Brigade, 11th Airborne Division are put to the test in Alaska’s unforgiving terrain. The 'Arctic Wolves undergo intensive training near the Arctic Circle, preparing them for potential conflicts in extreme weather conditions, and showcasing their readiness to face adversaries in harsh climates.

In the heart of Alaska, near the Arctic Circle, Fort Wainwright serves as a crucible for the soldiers of the 1st Brigade, 11th Airborne Division, where they face temperatures plummeting below -50F°. This setting is not just a backdrop but the forefront of the United States' preparation for operations in some of the world's most unforgiving environments.

Formed in 2022, the training center at Fort Wainwright offers specialized instruction designed to harden soldiers against the bitter Arctic cold. The regimen ranges from polar plunges, which instill resilience, to extensive gear testing, ensuring operational effectiveness in sub-zero conditions. Such preparation underscores the unit's overarching goal: to successfully seize and hold critical terrains under the most challenging circumstances.

The importance of readiness in such extreme conditions cannot be overstated. As Col. Sean Lucas and Maj. Gen. Brian S. Eifler has pointed out, that the severe Arctic weather demands a military force that is not only prepared but also thoroughly versed in the unique challenges it presents. It is a sentiment echoed by Gen. Charles A. Flynn, who highlighted the strategic significance of proficiency in Arctic-like environments, given the unpredictability of future conflicts. Their insights underscore the necessity of specialized training for operations in extreme climates.

Real-time adaptation and gear feedback

Training in the Arctic goes beyond physical endurance; it encompasses adaptability to the volatile Arctic climate. Soldiers are trained to react to real-time changes, a critical skill when facing equipment failures or health threats like hypothermia. This adaptability is key to sustaining operational effectiveness in environments where conventional wisdom often falls short. Command Sgt. Maj. Joseph Gaskin’s observation, "We don't have all the answers for this environment," speaks to the humility and learning mindset that underpin these rigorous training programs.

The soldiers' direct feedback plays a pivotal role in refining both their gear and tactics. Their experiences inform the continuous improvement in the design of cold-weather equipment, ensuring that it meets the practical demands of Arctic operations. This feedback loop embodies the collaborative spirit driving the unit’s evolution and enhancing its capability to operate under extreme conditions, Daily Mail reported.

During the Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center training exercise, the 'Arctic Wolves' demonstrated their refined warfare capabilities, adeptly adjusting to the frigid climate. The exercise, which included both soldiers from the 11th Airborne Division and international allies, served as a proving ground for war-style scrimmages in the Arctic. It highlighted the division's proficiency in adapting gear and tactics in real-time, underscoring the value of their intensive preparation.

From Alaska’s frost to Hawaii’s heat

The unit's adaptability is further fostered by rotating training locations between Alaska's icy plains and Hawaii's tropical environments, preparing them for a wide range of operational conditions. This practice not only enhances the soldiers’ versatility but also broadens their tactical acumen.

Maj. Gen. Brian S. Eifler’s assertion that thriving in the Arctic requires a special breed of soldier encapsulates the essence of their training. Moreover, Col. Sean Lucas’s comment, "If you can lead, or you can be a soldier in the extreme cold, you can lead or be a soldier anywhere," eloquently sums up the transformative impact of their rigorous preparation. "There are not a lot of forces in our Army, or really in our military, that can operate here. It takes a special breed of Soldier to thrive in the Arctic. If something happens in those conditions, you got to have a force that's ready...environments and conditions where our forces are most likely to operate."

This statement by Col. Sean Lucas and Maj. Gen. Brian S. Eifler, intertwined with insights from Gen. Charles A. Flynn, captures the broad spectrum of challenges and the imperative of readiness that defines the Arctic Wolves' mission.


The comprehensive training regimen of the U.S. Army's 1st Brigade, 11th Airborne Division, exemplifies the meticulous preparation required for operations in extreme weather conditions.

Through polar plunges, gear testing, and real-time tactical adjustments, the Arctic Wolves are not merely surviving but mastering the art of war in the harshest climates. Their adaptability, bolstered by continuous feedback and diverse training environments, marks them as an elite unit ready to confront strategic challenges in the world's most formidable terrains. Their resolve and dedication serve as a testament to the United States' commitment to ensuring operational readiness in every corner of the globe, from the freezing Arctic to tropical climates.

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