War Cabinet Member Warns Onslaught Will Begin In 3 Weeks Unless Hostages Are Released

By Ethan Cole on
 February 20, 2024

A looming invasion shadows Gaza's Rafah as Israel demands the return of hostages, igniting global uproar and calls for restraint at the brink of Ramadan.

Israel's stark threat to invade Gaza's Rafah by the dawn of Ramadan unless Hamas releases all hostages has precipitated an international crisis accompanied by diplomatic interventions from the United States, several other nations, and the United Nations, aiming to defuse the tension.

The stage is set against a backdrop of unfolding human tragedy in Rafah, with approximately 1.2 million people uprooted from their homes. They now dwell in makeshift tent settlements, grappling with an acute shortage of essential supplies like food, water, and medical aid. The Israeli government, with Benny Gantz, a prominent figure in the Israeli war cabinet, at the forefront, views Rafah as Hamas's final bastion within the Gaza Strip.

Gantz's public address at a conference in Jerusalem underscored the severity of Israel's position. He stated, "The world must know, and Hamas leaders must know - if by Ramadan our hostages are not home, the fighting will continue everywhere, including the Rafah area."

Amidst the escalating conflict, vital necessities have become scarce for those caught in the crossfire. Ahmad Mohammed Aburizq, a local voice within the crisis, shared his harrowing reality, "There's no safe place. Even the hospital is not safe." His words paint a picture of the dire conditions and fear that grip the populace of Rafah.

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In a stark defiance of peace efforts, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remains steadfast, downplaying truce possibilities while orchestrating a narrative of 'total victory' over Hamas. This stance further complicates the fragile geopolitical puzzle, with the international community scrambling to forge a path to ceasefire and stability.

Intensifying the humanitarian plight is the looming judgment of the UN's top court, poised to dissect the legal ramifications of Israel's longstanding occupation of Palestinian territories. Such developments underscore the profundity of the impasse that encircles the Israeli-Palestinian dialogue. Amidst these judicial proceedings, the United States signaled its intention to veto a UN draft resolution advocating for an immediate cessation of hostilities, highlighting the complexities of international diplomacy in the conflict.

Bringing a chord of ultimatum, Benny Gantz emphasized, "Hamas has a choice. They can surrender, release the hostages, and the civilians of Gaza can celebrate the feast of Ramadan." This assertive stance illustrates the critical juncture at which political will and humanitarian considerations converge, demanding a resolution not just on the battlefield but in the hearts and minds of those entwined in the conflict.

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The ramifications of the confrontation extend beyond geopolitical machinations, embedding deeply within the fabric of everyday life in Gaza. A pervasive sense of desperation emerges from the narratives of those displaced, as a mother from northern Gaza poignantly articulates her children's hunger, embodying the acute humanitarian crisis that unfurls against the backdrop of political stalemate.

On the ground, Israeli military spokesperson Richard Hecht acknowledged efforts to alleviate the dire situation, noting, "Diesel and oxygen supplies had been delivered on Saturday and a temporary generator was running." Such measures, though vital, underscore the paradox of seeking to mitigate a crisis while hostilities perpetuate the very conditions necessitating aid.

The heavy toll of the conflict, reflecting a harrowing disparity in casualties, with over 28,000 lives lost in Gaza, predominantly among women and children, juxtaposes sharply against the narrative of military objectives. This stark human cost, coupled with the displacement crisis in Rafah, exposes the profound and enduring suffering that underpins the conflict, challenging the global community to reconcile the urgency of humanitarian needs with the complexities of diplomatic resolution.


Israel's looming threat to invade Rafah if Hamas does not return hostages before Ramadan has sparked a severe international crisis. This crisis is deepened by the humanitarian disaster in Rafah, where around 1.2 million displaced people endure dire conditions.

Leaders such as Benny Gantz and Benjamin Netanyahu have made statements highlighting the severe human suffering and the geopolitical risks involved. International initiatives led by the United States and the United Nations are working diligently to achieve a ceasefire and resolve the situation.

These efforts emphasize the vital role of diplomacy in reducing the conflict's toll on civilians. The significant human suffering, marked by high casualty and displacement rates, starkly emphasizes the critical need for a peaceful solution.

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