WATCH: Save First, Arrest Later - First Responders Work Together to Preserve Life and Uphold the law

By Ethan Cole on
 January 30, 2023

When emergency services are called to the scene of an incident involving a suspect who is injured, the priority is to provide medical attention and save the suspect's life, regardless of any criminal behavior they may have engaged in.

Once the suspect is stabilized and medical treatment has been provided, they can then be arrested and face charges in a court of law.

This approach is based on the principle of preserving human life and ensuring that individuals receive appropriate medical care.

In this video, watch as EMS professionals exercise this principle and work with Law Enforcement to save first, arrest later.

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One comment on “WATCH: Save First, Arrest Later - First Responders Work Together to Preserve Life and Uphold the law”

  1. Well if they are trying to hurt you in your home or on the street the Bible says an eye for an eye. I believe it is my responsibility to protect myself from anyone trying to do me harm or harm my family. See we don’t dial 911. We have a GOD given right to protect ourselves besides if you rely on the police you will most likely be hurt very bad or dead. The way the world is right now I would have to say it is up to oneself to protect yourself. Keep safe and carry on.

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