Arizona Rancher Details Disturbing Finds At Border

By Ethan Cole on
 March 3, 2024

Life on the Arizona-Mexico border harbors dark secrets untold in the bustling cities far away. John Ladd, a 68-year-old rancher, divulges the grim transformation of cartel activities from narcotics to human trafficking, and the ensuing border challenges that Arizona faces.

John Ladd has spent his entire existence meshed with the landscape of his 16,000-acre ranch, passed down through generations for 127 years. This vast expanse lies along a 10-and-a-half-mile stretch of the Arizona-Mexico border. Here, the specter of human smuggling casts a long shadow.

From his property, he witnesses the brutal signs of human smuggling. Disturbingly, among these indicators is a "rape tree" — a gnarled testament to the violence endured by countless women at the hands of their smugglers.

The Unseen Battles of Border Ranchers

The Tucson sector, in which Ladd's land is situated, is now the most active segment of the entire U.S.-Mexico border. Here, Border Patrol agents apprehended a staggering 250,000 individuals in just the first four months of the fiscal year. This figure nearly triples the count from the previous year, Daily Mail reported.

John Ladd reveals a harrowing detail: over the years, he has discovered the bodies of 17 individuals on his ranch. These are lives claimed by the harsh desert, not including those found on the strip of federal land at the border.

The tactics used by migrants to elude capture are as sophisticated as they are desperate. Adorning camouflage, employing kneepads, and even resorting to moving on all fours; each strategy underscores the high stakes of this perilous journey.

A Fading Line: The Shift in Cartel Tactics

Ladd has observed a significant shift in criminal operations over the years. The cartels that once focused on drug smuggling are now engaged in the trafficking of humans. With a 'fee' of $6,000, the value placed on human life is quantifiably transactional yet inestimably tragic. The presence of the border wall, meant to be a barrier, is frequently compromised. Ladd points out the regular breaches and subsequent repairs as evidence of the wall's inefficacy in deterring crossings. Amid these security challenges, Ladd emphasizes the necessity of self-protection. His choice of a Glock over a traditional six-shooter is a matter of practicality, offering more bullets should the need arise.

John Ladd shared his perspective on the migrants traversing his land, "Almost all the women who come across get raped by their guides, who then throw their underwear in the trees. They're military-age males in camouflage, Balaclavas, and a cell phone. They don't want to get caught."

Automobile crashes associated with human smuggling are a common news item, painting a grim picture of the realities faced by border communities.


An alarming detail that adds to the security concerns is a proposed state bill. This legislation aims to extend greater protections to ranchers against trespassers by applying the 'Castle Doctrine'. If passed, this law could drastically alter the legal landscape for landowners along the border. John Ladd's critique of President Joe Biden's visit to Texas rather than Arizona is telling. He believes that the president would have gained a more comprehensive understanding of the crisis by visiting the areas hardest hit by these issues.

In the twilight of his years, Ladd serves as a sentinel on the frontier of an ever-evolving battleground. His account brings to light the multifaceted challenges at the border, encompassing security, human rights, and the impact on local communities.

John Ladd's narrative sheds light on the grave realities along the Arizona-Mexico border. From the harrowing existence of "rape trees" to the drastic uptick in migrant apprehensions and the strategic shifts in cartel operations, his experiences underscore a dire need for comprehensive solutions.

Furthermore, Ladd's observations highlight an overarching issue: the transformation of human lives into commodities for smuggling. This multifaceted crisis requires not only enhanced border security measures but also a broader understanding and action to address the root causes driving migration.

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One comment on “Arizona Rancher Details Disturbing Finds At Border”

  1. As msm stands silent, now if it were Trump allowing this, they would be attacking him 24/7 and showing the trees on the news every chance they could get. IMO

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