Gov Abbott Announces Plan For Permanent Military Base At Border

By Ethan Cole on
 February 18, 2024

In a move that underscores Texas's commitment to securing its border, Governor Greg Abbott, a steadfast Republican, has laid out plans for a significant escalation in the state's border defense mechanisms. Texas is set to bolster its border security with the construction of a new, permanent military installation as part of the extensive Operation Lone Star initiative, announced by Governor Greg Abbott.

The announcement came during a press conference held at Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, a location that has been central to the state's border security operations, serving as a staging ground for the Texas National Guard and Department of Public Safety troopers. This new facility represents a $11 billion commitment to Operation Lone Star, an initiative aimed at managing unauthorized crossings at the Texas-Mexico border.

The ambitious project is not just about enhancing Texas's defensive capabilities but is also geared towards providing better living and working conditions for the troops stationed at the border. Designed to initially house up to 1,800 Guard troops with the capacity to expand to accommodate 2,300, the base plans to offer individual rooms, a large dining facility, recreational theaters, and Wi-Fi access. This upgrade is funded by taxpayers and aims to reduce the ongoing costs such as hotel accommodations for personnel, underscoring a significant investment in the state's border security efforts.

Governor Abbott did not hold back in his criticism of the federal government's handling of border security. During his announcement, he pointedly blamed President Joe Biden for failing to adequately secure the US-Mexico border, a situation that Abbott argues has necessitated Texas's unilateral actions to defend its borders. His stern words highlight the growing tension between the state and federal government over border policy and enforcement.

Building a Base to Enhance Efficiency and Comfort

Following the announcement by Governor Greg Abbott, the strategic significance of the planned military installation becomes clear, Austin American-Statesman reported.

Abbott emphasized that the new facility, "This will increase the ability of a larger number of Texas military department personnel in Eagle Pass to operate more effectively and more efficiently. If we have surge needs, it will include individual rooms for soldiers. It'll provide a large dining facility, recreation theaters (and) things like Wi-Fi."

Operation Lone Star, initiated in response to President Biden's reversal of some of his predecessor's border policies, represents Texas's firm stance on border security. Governor Abbott's previous actions, including the installation of a floating buoy barrier and razor wire along the Rio Grande, highlight the state's proactive approach to border control. However, these measures have attracted criticism and legal challenges from the Biden administration, who argue that Texas's actions encroach upon federal authority.

Eagle Pass: A Focal Point in Texas's Border Defense Efforts

Concerns over border security have drawn national attention to Eagle Pass, where Governor Abbott hosted both Republican governors and Texas GOP lawmakers. The assembly was called to assess border conditions and affirm the state's right to counter what they perceive as invasions. This gathering also served as a platform for discussing the broader implications of Texas's border security strategies and the assertion of state rights in national security matters. The construction of the military base, already underway on an 80-acre site near Shelby Park, marks the first phase of a significant shift in Texas's border security posture. This initiative is not just about defense but signals a broader commitment to the welfare and effectiveness of the National Guard troops and Department of Public Safety troopers deployed along the border.

In his remarks, Governor Abbott elaborated on the challenges faced by the troops under current conditions and the pressing need for the new base, "They have been living in conditions that were atypical for military operations. And now, because of the magnitude of what we're doing, because of the need to sustain and expand our efforts of what we're doing, it's essential that we build this base camp."

A Bold Step Towards Securing Texas's Future

This statement by Abbott captures the essence of the project: an endeavor to provide a sustainable and effective framework for Texas's border security operations, ensuring that personnel are well-equipped and comfortably housed as they carry out their crucial duties.

As the construction moves forward, the envisaged military base represents more than a strategic asset; it embodies Texas's resolution to maintain control over its borders. The facility, funded by taxpayers, will decrease reliance on temporary accommodations and provide a permanent base of operations for the personnel dedicated to preventing unauthorized border crossings.


The unveiling of plans for a new military base along the Texas-Mexico border marks a pivotal development in the state's border security strategy.

Governor Greg Abbott's announcement highlights an ongoing commitment to managing border crossings and defending Texas's sovereignty.

The base, an integral part of the $11 billion Operation Lone Star, aims to enhance the operational capabilities of the Texas National Guard and Department of Public Safety troopers. Amidst criticism from the federal government, Texas continues to assert its right to take decisive actions on border security, underlining the growing divide on this critical national issue.

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