Body Cam Footage Released From Fourth Of July Shooting

By Ethan Cole on
 July 13, 2021

Fourth of July had a record number of shootings. One of the mass shootings was in Toledo, where a block party turned sideways.

Enjoying the 4th

According to Toledo Police Chief George Kral, dispatchers received the first call just before 12:30 a.m. The reporting caller said a man was shooting into the air, and 300 people were fighting in the middle of the street.

Bodycam footage from the responding officers was recently released. When gunfire went off, people ran screaming.

The responding officers jumped from their vehicles, telling people to "take cover." They searched for the shooters in the dark, turning off their flashlights every time there was additional gunfire.

They yelled to one another to "find cover." One officer radioed, " We've got multiple shooters everywhere." According to Chief Kral said around 80 rounds were fired after the officers were on site.

Many Victims

In all, 70 officers reposted to the area to assist, and not a single one fired a weapon. Kral also said the teenager who died was 17-year-old Stephon Johnson.

Johnson had been airlifted to the University of Michigan Hospital. However, he did not survive. Four victims were 19, another was 18, two were 17, another two were 16, one was 15, and the last one was 11 years old.

There was also a 51-year-old man who was shot.

“We should be angry. We need to come together as a community. We’ve seen violence like this in this country all year long, and now it’s hit home.”

Chief Kral

Under Investigation

Police are investigating the shooting, but many of the witnesses are not cooperating. So far they do not know what started the incident, and they have yet to make any arrests.

The 17-year-old who died's father pleaded with the community, asking anyone with any information to come forward, especially if it leads to the arrest of the person who killed his son.

Police will continue to investigate.

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7 comments on “Body Cam Footage Released From Fourth Of July Shooting”

  1. Yep, blacks again shooting each other but somehow it’s the cops we need to worry about. I guess if cops are gone they don’t need to worry about breaking the laws they refuse to follow anyway. And take guns away from people so they can’t defend themselves!

  2. What is happening to our beautiful nation? Ever since the Dems took over we have had mass shooting of Police Officers and citizens,

  3. Just your average run of the mill BLM and ANTIFA Block Party ! I wonder if those guns were purchased legally and registered ?

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