Gunpoint Robberies Targeting Congressional Staff in D.C.

 June 14, 2024

Washington, D.C., witnessed a distressing crime spree over the weekend involving armed suspects targeting congressional staffers.

Armed robbers targeted at least three congressional staffers in two separate incidents near the U.S. Capitol.

Breitbart News reported that the first alarming incident unfolded early Monday morning when a black sedan with tinted windows pulled up next to four individuals in D.C.'s Navy Yard neighborhood.

Three suspects emerged, brandishing a handgun, and demanded the victims' belongings. Octavian Miller, an aide to Representative Mike Collins (R-GA), and his companions were caught off guard. Miller recounted how one friend bravely confronted the assailants, managing to land a punch.

Octavian Miller said:

I thank God that nothing else bad happened to us. ... It is quite unfortunate that we live in a city where it feels like you have to fend for yourself. So, I’m just thankful that God protected the two of us during this situation.

The political response highlights concerns over D.C. crime rates

The second incident occurred shortly after the first, impacting several men, including another congressional staffer and an intern from the office of Representative Dan Bishop (R-NC).

They were forcefully relieved of personal items, including iPhones, a gold necklace, and a watch, at gunpoint. Representative Bishop expressed both relief over the victims' safety and concern over the city's escalating crime problem.

Representative Bishop commented on the resilience shown by the victims. “I’m thankful that he is safe and proud of him for successfully fending off the attackers. It’s an utter indictment of our capital city that this type of violent crime is so commonplace,” he stated, reflecting broader criticisms of D.C.'s leadership amid a startling rise in violent offenses.

Both Representatives Bishop and Collins have echoed concerns that the local government has fallen short in maintaining safety in the capital, which has seen a 39% rise in violent crimes in 2023 as compared to the previous year. Notably, the city reported 274 homicides in 2023 – the highest since 1997.

Increasing calls for Congressional oversight of D.C.

Representative Mike Collins strongly criticized D.C.’s governance, suggesting reconsidering the city’s autonomy. “Time and time again D.C.’s leadership proves they are incapable of governing and protecting its citizens,” he remarked.

Collins further advocated for congressional intervention, stating:

It’s time to take a hard look at home rule here and put Congress back in control of this city. This is the nation’s capital where people come to visit, and then, when they don’t feel safe, our staff doesn’t feel safe. We have got a lack of...not just disrespect but just a disdain for the law. We’ll make sure that these blue cities [and] these blue states understand that when you break the law, you’re gonna pay for what you did.

These incidents add to a troubling pattern of crimes involving congressional staff and lawmakers, further highlighting the challenging security dynamics in the district. According to the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), there have been 1,520 violent crimes reported in 2024 up to June 12, which includes 80 homicides and 885 robberies.


The recent robberies near the Capitol wherein congressional staffers were victimized underscore a significant upsurge in violent crime in Washington, D.C. With discussions on effective governance and safety becoming increasingly urgent, these incidents have sparked a debate about the adequacy of current security measures and the potential need for greater oversight from Congress. Both incidents reflect a broader public safety crisis in the nation’s capital, calling for critical evaluations of crime prevention strategies and the reinforcement of law and order.

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