Nebraska Man, 70, Faces Extradition to Germany for 1978 Teen Murder

 May 17, 2024

Tensions rise as Tommy Molina, a 70-year-old Nebraska man, finds his past catching up with him after decades of uncertainty and investigation.

According to Daily Mail, Tommy Molina is set to be deported to Germany for the 1978 murder of his alleged teenage sweetheart, Cornelia Hümpfer.

Tommy Molina, a former U.S. Army serviceman, was arrested on June 21 at his residence in Gering, Nebraska. He is accused of brutally murdering Cornelia Hümpfer on April 21, 1978, near Schweinfurt, Bavaria, where he was stationed. A chilling discovery marked the crime scene: the young woman's body by the roadside showed signs of severe violence — she had been stabbed 14 times.

Tragic love ends in a youthful death

According to the investigation, Cornelia Hümpfer was not only romantically involved with Molina, but she was also pregnant with his child. Her plan to reveal their affair and her pregnancy to Molina's wife set off a tragic turn of events. This piece of their tumultuous relationship became a pivotal part of the investigation when Molina's verbal confessions during a drunken state to his third wife, Cindy Newstead, in 1995 were taken into account.

Even with the haunting confessions, the case could not be conclusively linked to Molina until recent advancements in DNA technology brought new evidence to light. A DNA profile match was established in 2020, linking Molina directly to the crime scene.

Ongoing investigations also brought to light an intriguing piece of evidence — multiple witnesses had spotted a car, distinctively marked with a green number plate and fitting the description of Molina's, around the area where Hümpfer's body was found.

This, coupled with the fact that Molina's car had newly cleaned foot mats, which curiously matched marks on Hümpfer's skirt and shoe soles, pointed towards Molina’s involvement even before the DNA evidence was processed.

Advanced DNA technology reopens an old case

The undeniable link came when German authorities, still fervent in their pursuit of justice, requested an updated DNA sample from Molina. This request was complied with in October 2020 following the authorization of a search warrant by the FBI. Subsequently, an arrest warrant was finalized by German prosecutors on February 19, 2021.

Extradition documents provide a grim recount of the murder, indicating Molina's growing weariness of his relationship with Hümpfer. They state: "When the victim started leaving the car between 9.30 pm and 11 pm, the accused stabbed the victim, of whom he had grown tired, 14 times." It was an attack so fatal that "he repeatedly hit the heart of the victim who soon bled to death, under his intention."

The agonizing details of Molina’s alleged confession were further elaborated in court documents. "Molina had been drinking, and the woman told him that she was pregnant and was going to tell his wife," the documents expose.

"Molina told Newstead that, after hearing this information, he stabbed the woman. Upon returning home covered in blood, Molina told his then-wife, Linda, what he had done, and Linda disposed of the knife," revealing the depths of deception and consequence in this tragic account.


Tommy Molina denied the accusations initially but has partially admitted to his infidelity during his time in Germany, sometimes indulging in embellishments to impress others. However, the recent discoveries and Molina's past confessions paint a different picture.

As Molina faces extradition to Germany in the upcoming weeks, the potential of a 15-year prison sentence looms over him, bringing a somber conclusion to a case that lay dormant for over four decades. The resilience of advances in forensic technology coupled with unwavering judicial persistence might soon offer closure to a case long mired in mystery and sorrow.

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