NYC Hit-And-Run Cop killer Jailed For 20 Years

By Ethan Cole on
 February 22, 2024

In an incident that shook the New York City community, a local woman's reckless decision led to the untimely death of a dedicated NYPD officer.

Jessica Beauvais was sentenced to a lengthy prison term for the fatal hit-and-run of Officer Anastasios Tsakos, marking a sorrowful chapter for the city and its first responders.

Jessica Beauvais, a 34-year-old New York resident, faced the consequences of her actions in a courtroom after her devastating decision on April 27, 2021. Officer Anastasios Tsakos, a 14-year veteran of the NYPD and a father, was performing his duty, directing traffic on the Long Island Expressway when tragedy struck.

Gruesome Aftermath of a Drunken Hit-and-Run

Assistant District Attorney Greg Lasak, Jr. recounted the extent of Tsakos' injuries, stating:

His organs and bones were crushed. His leg was amputated. He landed 171 feet from impact. She left him there on the side of the road to die, without his leg.

The court learned of Beauvais' state at the time of the accident; her blood alcohol content was .15, nearly double the legal limit. Additionally, she had fled the scene, only to be arrested later.

Her actions before the incident, including anti-police remarks made during a live podcast, added to the gravity of her sentencing.

A Widow's Grief and Children's Loss

Irene Tsakos, the widow of Anastasios Tsakos, shared the deep pain and irreplaceable loss her family has endured since that fateful day. Her words painted a vivid picture of the void left by Tsakos' passing, particularly in the lives of their two young children.

The children's struggle to grasp the permanence of their father's absence has been heart-wrenching. Irene Tsakos detailed their innocent attempts to conceive of ways to bring their father back, revealing the profound impact of the tragedy on the youngest members of the family.

Irene Tsakos shared:

My children don't understand the permanence of death. They were trying to figure out ways to bring him back somehow. Our son wanted me to get him a big kite so he could fly it high in the sky so his daddy could grab onto it and bring it back. He cried daily 'cause daddy would never hold him again. He was only 3 years old.

Justice Served, But Pain Remains

Beauvais' trial concluded with her being found guilty on all charges, leading to a sentencing that reflected the gravity of her actions. The court's decision to sentence her to 20 years for aggravated manslaughter, with additional time for leaving the scene and for negligent homicide, attempts to bring some measure of justice to the Tsakos family.

The tragedy serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of driving under the influence and the irreversible harm it can cause. Officer Anastasios Tsakos' dedication to his duty and the circumstances of his death have resonated deeply within the NYPD and the community he served.


The sentencing of Jessica Beauvais for the death of Officer Anastasios Tsakos closes a painful chapter for the Tsakos family and the NYPD. While the legal outcome brings a sense of justice, it cannot fill the void left by the loss of a husband, father, and dedicated officer.

The details of the case, from Beauvais' intoxication to the impact on Tsakos' family, underscore the tragedy of his untimely death and the lasting effects of one individual's actions. This incident serves as a somber reminder of our responsibilities on the road and the precious lives at stake.

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