NYPD Cop Rushes Into Burning Building To Save Lives

By Ethan Cole on
 February 28, 2024

In an extraordinary display of heroism and dedication, NYPD officers were filmed executing daring rescues in two separate fire outbreaks across New York City last week.

Bodycam footage recently released showcases officers saving residents, including babies and a disabled man, amidst the crisis.

The initial alarming event occurred on a Wednesday morning in the Brownsville area of Brooklyn. It happened at the NYCHA’s Langston Hughes apartments, a 22-story high-rise, where NYPD Officers Mark Kalwa and Vincenzo Rallo quickly responded to smoke billowing from the fourth floor.

Heroic Response to Desperate Screams Saves Lives

“We heard screaming for help, calls for help out the window,” recounted Officer Mark Kalwa, detailing the initial moments that spurred their quick response. They instantly realized how serious the situation was; quick action was essential.

“When you hear the screams, it’s something in you,” Kalwa elaborated. “You can’t just disregard that and wait for fire, so we went up.”
In their courageous effort, Officer Rallo notably assisted a distressed mother and her child to safety, underscoring the officers' vital role in such dire situations.

Officers' Quick Thinking Saves Lives in Brownsville Blaze

Officer Vincenzo Rallo shared:

The first person who came was a mother with a child and she just looked like she was going to go down, so I grabbed the baby from her, helped her down the stairs, and took the baby.

His account vividly paints a picture of the critical moments during the evacuation. “The most gratifying thing — the kid being safe was just the coolest feeling,” affirmed Officer Rallo, capturing the profound sense of duty and fulfillment experienced by first responders in their lifesaving roles.

A weekend fire presented another test of bravery. Late in the evening, around 11 p.m. on Saturday, a three-story building in North Corona caught alight. Officers again demonstrated their unwavering commitment to public safety, evacuating tenants, including a three-month-old infant, showcasing the relentless spirit of New York's finest.

NYPD's Valiant Efforts Amidst Blaze

In these perilous moments, three individuals were hospitalized due to the North Corona fire, which included two officers who battled smoke inhalation. This underscores the inherent risks faced by first responders.

The causes of these blazes, which thrust ordinary New Yorkers into peril, remain under scrutiny by investigators. This ongoing inquiry into the origins of the fires reflects the broader challenges of ensuring urban safety.

Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz Daughtry took to social media platform X to share the bodycam footage, thus bringing to light the courageous actions of NYPD officers. This public recognition serves as a testament to their bravery and emphasizes the critical role of first responders in safeguarding our communities.


The release of NYPD bodycam footage capturing the dramatic evacuation of residents from burning buildings underscores a week of valor and swift action by New York’s finest. From the quick evacuation of families, including infants and a disabled man in Brooklyn, to a late-night rescue in North Corona, these incidents highlight the dangers our first responders face and their unwavering commitment to protect and serve.

The community owes a debt of gratitude to Officers Mark Kalwa and Vincenzo Rallo and their colleagues for their heroic deeds. As investigations into the cause of both fires continue, the bravery displayed serves as a stark reminder of the challenges and risks the brave men and women of the NYPD face daily.

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