Officer Saves Newborn Baby Tossed From Second Floor Balcony

By Ethan Cole on
 September 25, 2021

A New Jersey police officer is being hailed as a hero for saving a one-month-old infant from a two-story fall after being thrown.

Saving a Life

According to NBC News, a man in Jersey City was "dangling" a newborn baby over a balcony. Officer Joseph Casey arrived first, followed by Officer Eduardo Matute and others. Officers began negotiating with the man, setting up a perimeter.

The man threw the baby, and Officer Mutate caught the little one. According to Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop, the infant was not injured.

"Thank you JCPD. Today, the JCPD got a call that a child was in danger, they responded to the call and at that point, they saw a male threatening to throw a baby from the 2nd story of the building. The JCPD set up a perimeter to negotiate however eventually the man did throw the 1-month-old baby from the second story of the building – the officers at the scene reacted quickly and were able to catch the baby. Thankfully the baby wasn’t harmed physically. We are lucky to have the men and woman of the JCPD, as every single day I see it firsthand they rise to meet any/all challenges.”

Steven Fulop

Man Arrested And Charged

However, the man was arrested and charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault, and endangering the welfare of a child, but his identity has not been released.

The Huson County Prosecutor's Office said, "Kudos to the JCPD and all the officers involved for their heroics and for bringing a safe conclusion to this dangerous situation."Prosecutor Esther Suarez also thanked the negotiator, Officer Joseph Casey.

"We especially want to acknowledge the actions & bravery of the negotiator and first-responding PO Joseph Casey, South District PO Eduardo Matute... & Incident Commander Capt Michael McKerry."

Esther Suarez

Jersey City Councilwoman Denise Ridley said, "I am glad our officers were there today to intervene before tragedy struck. The adorable baby and mom are doing well and are safe."

Thankfully, the officers moved quickly. Even though negotiations with the man failed, they still were able to save the baby's life, thanks to Officer Matute.

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11 comments on “Officer Saves Newborn Baby Tossed From Second Floor Balcony”

  1. Yes, this is one of the finest result of funding our police. They are the only ones there ready to help and trained to respond according like this officer did so quickly. Thank you.

  2. Wonder if the msm will even comment, after all it was a Police Officer that caught/saved the baby, doesn't seem very likely.

  3. Something should be done about people who lasciviously impregnate women to create babies and then toss them away like trash. Many people in society think that way about aborting unwanted babies before birth as well as terminating them after birth. God will not be happy about those people.

    1. Bob, nice text. I always ask a pro-abortion person if they are their Mother??? They look at me strange and say no...then I tell them that baby is not your body. Your mother gave you life and you are a different person than your mother, so that innocent baby in your womb is not you.. and not your are a vessel that God made to pro-create. And to abort an innocent child that God trusted you with is murder!!! no matter how you look at it it is MURDER!!!

  4. Three cheers for the guys in blue! Next time you need a baby saved try to defund the P.D. and call a Democrat. Right, that ought to work!

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