Police Rescue Baby From Tipped SUV

By Ethan Cole on
 August 12, 2021

An SUV crashed near George Wahington Bridge, leaving a toddler dangling out of the vehicle with only one thing holding him in- his car seat straps.

Saving A Young Life

Officials said the child and his mother were driving across the bridge with one other woman around midnight. They lost control of the SUV and collided with the Jersey side of the barrier.

The car flipped on top of the barrier and was sitting in a precarious position. The grey Chevrolet SUV was sitting on two wheels and at a 45-degree angle.

First on the scene were Port Authority officers. According to officials, the airbags had already been deployed. However, since the car was in such a precarious position with the child dangling, the baby was the first one to be taken from the car.

The little one was wearing a diaper, so Port Authority Police Officer TJ McPike wrapped the 14-month old in his uniform shirt and gave him to Officer Greg Rose. Rose held onto the little toddler until they could get his mother out.

Slight Injuries

Both of the women also survived the crash but were in quite a bit of pain. They were assessed at the scene but refused further medical attention.

The women and the little child waited at the George Washington Bridge administration building until they found a way to get home. Unfortunately, their SUV was heavily damaged, and it had to be removed from the barrier.

Thankfully, the airbags did their job keeping the women safe as the car flipped and landed on top of the barrier. The car seat also did its job, holding the baby in and not letting him fall out, and keeping him cushioned in the crash.

Of course, even though the officers were just doing jobs, they made sure to keep the little boy safe and comfortable while attending to his mother and the other woman.

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2 comments on “Police Rescue Baby From Tipped SUV”

  1. Why is this mother out at midnight with a baby? I question her parenting skills! Thank God the police were there to save her and the baby!

    1. You are judging the Mother without any knowledge of her and her family. Perhaps her work schedule is setup based on a 3 pm to 11pm shift. In case you did not know babies don't care what time it is, and they don't grow faster in the sunlight. If that is the shift that she was hired for, that is the shift that feeds her child, diapers her child, and keeps a roof over their head. Get off your "High Horse", "Holier than thou" attitude toward people you do not know.

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