VIDEO: Maryland Police Officer Struck By Car While Attempting To Save Kid

By Ethan Cole on
 February 7, 2022

Too often people don't pay attention while driving and either hurt themselves or others around them. This was the case in Maryland when a driver failed to see a Police Officer directing traffic in a School zone and almost ran over a kid.

Despite the fact that he was wearing a bright orange parka, the officer was struck by the driver though he managed to get the kid out of the way.

Fortunately, Cpl. Annette Goodyear of the North East Police Department is expected to make a full recovery.

Check out the video of the event and let us know your thoughts:

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26 comments on “VIDEO: Maryland Police Officer Struck By Car While Attempting To Save Kid”

  1. Unfortunately driver inattention leads to these types of accidents. Too many times I have witnessed near misses by female drivers focused soley on beating others to picp up their children.

    1. Many males are ticketed for ignoring speed limits in school zones, passing stopped school buses, etc.. Wonder why that is? Could they have been distracted?

  2. I have seen the same thing with guys going to pick up their kids or just driving down the road and not paying attention. I have a friend who was a crossing guard and I used to go out and talk to her when she was waiting for school to get out. I saw mostly men who were running through her corner and she had to keep the kids from crossing the road. She had a notebook and wrote down the license plate number of the person who went through when she was trying to cross kids.

  3. Don’t drive distracted !!! Be aware of your surroundings. Be extra diligent and cautious in areas around schools, hospitals, and busy shopping areas.

  4. CRAP, was she driving while BLIND ????? That's terrible, apparently she needs to return to driving school, better yet pull her damn license !!!!!!

    1. I am willing to bet that she was on the phone. I don't know who thought cell phones especially texting in a vehicle was a smart idea. Reminds me of Neil Bork a radio commentator in Atlanta that said, "If you want to see a parent that doesn't love their child, ride by homes on Christmas day and see the new cars that their sixteen old children got for Christmas".

      1. The cell phone should have a disable texting feature while driving !! When I had Garmin GPS it had this feature !

    2. Another reason to start selling self driving cars I guess. At least the robot would TRY to pay attention!

  5. The driver needs to go back to driver’s education or pull her head out of her butt. Yeah it’s real tough to see that fluorescent orange raincoat! It just blends right in with all the other drab colors. She should have been ticketed for careless driving and failure to yield.

  6. Too many NUTS should never be allowed to drive a car.........They have tunnel vision.....That NUT was in a school zone and could have killed many students............Must have been a liberal DEM NUT........

  7. Reminds me of a 20+ male driver that was eating, drinking (soda pop) and reading a book on the X-way.......Steering the vehicle with his knees........Proved to me that those at that age never left their puberty stage.............

  8. I am willing to bet that she was on the phone. I don't know who thought cell phones especially texting in a vehicle was a smart idea. Reminds me of Neil Bork a radio commentator in Atlanta that said, "If you want to see a parent that doesn't love their child, ride by homes on Christmas day and see the new cars that their sixteen old children got for Christmas".

  9. She should be arrested. She was probably texting or on the phone. She could have killed both of them and she should be held accountable.

  10. Need to check to see if she was on the devil's device (cell phone.) If not needs to be charges and have her license suspended for at least a year. Guard and child needs to sue.

  11. She was probably on her cell phone, when the accident occured...But, she did get out of the car, to check on the police officer..

  12. Thanks to God that the officer was there to get the kid out of the way because it would have smashed into the kid's legs otherwise.

  13. Charge her with battery assault w/ a vehicle. She will think twice about not paying attention in s school zone.

  14. Young girls are the worst. They drive too fast and then give you the finger. Young boys are terrible also. That idiot women had her head up her butt.

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