WATCH: Officers Raise Hundreds Of Thousands For Local Families Facing Eviction

By Ethan Cole on
 September 12, 2020

The overwhelming majority of Law Enforcement officers take their job seriously. This means fostering strong relationships within the communities they protect and serve. To do this, they often go above and beyond merely enforcing the law.

Take this story out of Houston Texas, where Constables set up a GoFundMe to help local families stay in their homes:

Over $240,000 has been raised. Several families facing homelessness are in a much better place thanks to the outpouring of support from many generous donors.

This is a testament to the power of community in these trying times. All it takes for massive generosity is for someone to get the ball rolling... and that is what these Houston Law Enforcement officers did.

Well done, we salute your actions and willingness to go above and beyond!


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