After Defunding Police Department, New York Leadership Asks Citizens To Prevent Violent Crime

By Ethan Cole on
 March 10, 2021

Cities that have defunded their police departments now face a new challenge. What to do about their ever-present crime.

New York recently announced what city leadership feels is their best solution.

Rising Crimes, Solution?

New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio recently changed his position on shifting funding from NYPD officers. He gave his wife, Chirlane McCray, credit for his change of heart.

McCray, co-chair of the Task Force on Racial Inclusion and Equity, said she did a survey that concludes that "more resources for our young people was right up there" with whom people want the most assistance.

Although de Blasio did not reveal how much of the NYPD's budget he is moving, he is still taking funds that the department needs. However, crime continues to rise.

According to the New York Post, in 2020, shootings doubled and rose 75 percent over the last month. There is an increase in burglaries and horrific random crimes aimed at Asian Americans.

More Poor Leadership

McCray put her two cents in on the attacks, further encouraging citizens to rise and take their own action.

McCray continues her Twitter remarks,  “Fear is a normal feeling when stepping into a confrontation, but being prepared can help.”

Her statements come with fatal flaws. Many average citizens need more than just a game plan when it comes to fighting crime.

Yong Zheng of Brooklyn tried to help a robbing victim, and he lost his life—stabbed to death by those perpetrating the robbery. Additional citizens attempting to help were also stabbed.

It clearly shows that McCray's suggestion of "asking what time it is?" has massive flaws.

Dangerous Policies

Taking funding away from NYPD officers put many of the cities residents in danger. Officers cannot properly assist residents in their communities if there are not enough of them to go around.

The dangerous policy puts both officer's lives in danger and New Yorkers' lives in danger. However, asking untrained citizens to step in where professionals should be is irresponsible.

It is not everyday citizens' responsibility to disarm thugs or step between a robber and his victim. Policies like this one will only lend to the already rising crime statistics.

It most certainly will not save lives. Instead, these politicians are using their constituents as sacrificial lambs.

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52 comments on “After Defunding Police Department, New York Leadership Asks Citizens To Prevent Violent Crime”

  1. Deblastio is an idiot. If he wants citizens to stop criminal's, then issue them guns and ammo and Plrivide free training

  2. Deblastio is an idiot. If he wants citizens to stop criminal's, then issue them guns and ammo and Plrivide free training

  3. Just democommunists coddling their criminal friends. First we have 'emperor' cuomo's "bail reform laws" that puts violent criminals back on the streets, after they get caught committing crimes, then the new "royal decree, because of the "control-us virus" he let convicted criminals out of prison to "protect" them from getting the "virus, (and tells US to "shelter inside"), then he and wilhelm defund the police to put more citizens in danger. DEMOCOMMUNISTS need to be removed and sent to prison where they belong.

  4. Just democommunists coddling their criminal friends. First we have 'emperor' cuomo's "bail reform laws" that puts violent criminals back on the streets, after they get caught committing crimes, then the new "royal decree, because of the "control-us virus" he let convicted criminals out of prison to "protect" them from getting the "virus, (and tells US to "shelter inside"), then he and wilhelm defund the police to put more citizens in danger. DEMOCOMMUNISTS need to be removed and sent to prison where they belong.

  5. This goes along with Them wanting to take the guns. Thus the Story of the man Stabbed helping his neighbor. But since they also want to take our beef, they will take Our steak knives as well.

  6. This goes along with Them wanting to take the guns. Thus the Story of the man Stabbed helping his neighbor. But since they also want to take our beef, they will take Our steak knives as well.

  7. I don't live in New York but I would tell those in charge that I don't get paid to risk my life to stop crime. Just as I don't use self check outs because its not my job to check out my purchases.

  8. I don't live in New York but I would tell those in charge that I don't get paid to risk my life to stop crime. Just as I don't use self check outs because its not my job to check out my purchases.

  9. If a citizen is well armed and not afraid to kill someone committing a crime
    then we could do away with police and if they have a water hose we could
    get rid of the firemen. I think you can see where this is going. Got a first-aid
    kit, get rid of doctors and you don’t need anything to get rid of lawyers. The
    main thing is if you have common sense get rid of everyone in the house and
    senate so we can end these insane democrat laws. It's not me capitalizing all the words it's the people who wrote this page.

  10. If a citizen is well armed and not afraid to kill someone committing a crime
    then we could do away with police and if they have a water hose we could
    get rid of the firemen. I think you can see where this is going. Got a first-aid
    kit, get rid of doctors and you don’t need anything to get rid of lawyers. The
    main thing is if you have common sense get rid of everyone in the house and
    senate so we can end these insane democrat laws. It's not me capitalizing all the words it's the people who wrote this page.

  11. The political people have no idea what the people want. They do their own thing and the heck what the people want. I hate to see it but they ask for this to happen

  12. The political people have no idea what the people want. They do their own thing and the heck what the people want. I hate to see it but they ask for this to happen

  13. Is she crazy .she must have some loose marbles in her head,let her stand up to these criminals and see she gets a bullet in the A-s

  14. Is she crazy .she must have some loose marbles in her head,let her stand up to these criminals and see she gets a bullet in the A-s

  15. Is it easier to buy a gun in new york now? I would want one because if im supposed to help my neighbor out like a cop when crime is being committed then i need the same tools to be safe.
    Glad i live in a state where i can own guns and protect myself and we dont defund police.

    1. Your comment is on the money and I agree with you 100%. I live in the South so I have my own personal protection and I wish more women had a women for protection. God bless America and take care of our people. The Dems will not.

    2. Guns don't kill people...people kill.
      PELOSI is insane. All those Young men in Washington DC should GO home... Then we'll see who saves her from Criminals.

      1. I second that! Piglosy should have to pay for her own protection and not us. She is not president even though she pretends to be. Right now we have no president really. She is 80 and should be retired without pay.

  16. Is it easier to buy a gun in new york now? I would want one because if im supposed to help my neighbor out like a cop when crime is being committed then i need the same tools to be safe.
    Glad i live in a state where i can own guns and protect myself and we dont defund police.

    1. Your comment is on the money and I agree with you 100%. I live in the South so I have my own personal protection and I wish more women had a women for protection. God bless America and take care of our people. The Dems will not.

    2. Guns don't kill people...people kill.
      PELOSI is insane. All those Young men in Washington DC should GO home... Then we'll see who saves her from Criminals.

      1. I second that! Piglosy should have to pay for her own protection and not us. She is not president even though she pretends to be. Right now we have no president really. She is 80 and should be retired without pay.

  17. What they are saying is, “ We do not care about anyone,” so let us use the money for something less important than the citizens. Typical politicians that are self indulged and cannot comprehend others.Daa!!

  18. What they are saying is, “ We do not care about anyone,” so let us use the money for something less important than the citizens. Typical politicians that are self indulged and cannot comprehend others.Daa!!

  19. Issue guns and ammo and Training to the Citizens. Or refund police and give them the power to deal with criminal's.

  20. Issue guns and ammo and Training to the Citizens. Or refund police and give them the power to deal with criminal's.

  21. The clown fool politicians has the perfect idiocy about their way of running
    big or small city. They just like to fool the American Citizens, after all Their pay Checks
    To fill their pockets. Their continuance are a bunch of fool because they keep voting
    for them back in the office.

  22. The clown fool politicians has the perfect idiocy about their way of running
    big or small city. They just like to fool the American Citizens, after all Their pay Checks
    To fill their pockets. Their continuance are a bunch of fool because they keep voting
    for them back in the office.

  23. The clown fool politicians has the perfect idiocy about their way of running
    big or small city. They just like to fool the American Citizens, after all Their pay Checks
    To fill their pockets. Their continuance are a bunch of fool because they keep voting
    for them back in the office. Print it!!!

  24. The clown fool politicians has the perfect idiocy about their way of running
    big or small city. They just like to fool the American Citizens, after all Their pay Checks
    To fill their pockets. Their continuance are a bunch of fool because they keep voting
    for them back in the office. Print it!!!

  25. The clown fool politicians has the perfect idiocy about their way of running
    big or small city. They just like to fool the American Citizens, after all Their pay Checks
    To fill their pockets. Their continuance are a bunch of fool because they keep voting
    for them back in the office. Print it!!!

    Moderation of my comments ? What this it doesn't agree with your Narratives?

  26. The clown fool politicians has the perfect idiocy about their way of running
    big or small city. They just like to fool the American Citizens, after all Their pay Checks
    To fill their pockets. Their continuance are a bunch of fool because they keep voting
    for them back in the office. Print it!!!

    Moderation of my comments ? What this it doesn't agree with your Narratives?

  27. De blasio's wife is the one pushing to defund the police in NYC. She's also the one who lost millions of dollars belonging to the taxpayers of NYC.
    I think if you steal taxes from the city, maybe they need more police to investigate her and her husband.

  28. De blasio's wife is the one pushing to defund the police in NYC. She's also the one who lost millions of dollars belonging to the taxpayers of NYC.
    I think if you steal taxes from the city, maybe they need more police to investigate her and her husband.

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