Dispatchers Honored For Holding The Line During The Initial COVID-19 Outbreak

By Ethan Cole on
 August 21, 2020

Early on in the COVID-19 outbreak, most people didn't leave their homes. Nothing was known about the new virus, except that it spread fast and hit hard.

Fortunately, the Thin Line is always held by heroes willing to risk their lives to serve others. More than 200,000 dispatchers were honored earlier this year for stepping up and going to work to provide reassuring presence during crisis.

Generally, a banquet would be held for such an event. Unfortunately,one was not held due to the continued COVID-19 pandemic.

In some ways, dispatchers are the most critical part of the first response continuum.

They are the first to speak with those in crisis and must act calmy under pressure to collect and communicate information. They provide lifelines to citizens in distress and critical communications to the first responders who can help them.

We are proud to include Dispatchers in the Thin Line News family!

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