Hero Down - Deputy Stabbed By An Inmate

By Ethan Cole on
 April 9, 2021

Sheriff's deputies often work in prison facilities and may need to move prisoners around. Usually, the process goes smoothly. However, every now and then, officers come up against a situation where it does not go by the book.

Moving the Prisoner

Bibb County Sheriff Deputy Christopher Wilson Knight was in the middle of transferring an inmate to a new cell. According to WMAZ, the inmate, 22-year-old Albert Booze, has recently been moved to a different cell block due to some "disciplinary issues."

The inmate began to threaten to harm himself. BCSO then decided to move him to suicide watch.

Several BCSO deputies were moving the inmate, who was in handcuffs, to the prison's observation portion. According to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation Special Agent in Charge Todd Crosby, Booze allegedly began to fight with the officers.

Officer Down

Investigators believe that during the scuffle, Booze took Deputy Knight's knife and stabbed him. Another deputy, 32-year-old Jerome Michael Williams,

According to WGXA, Deputy Williams went to the hospital to be treated for his wounds. He has since been released.

Deputy Knight was taken to Atrium Health Navicent and died from his injuries an hour later.

Police Community Offering Condolences

Many in the law enforcement community are deeply saddened by this tragic event.

“We’re here on a sad morning for the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office. We’ve lost a fine deputy in the jail and had another one injured. There are dangers inherent in what they do, and our hearts go out to them. We are proud of their service. We are saddened and shocked by the death of Deputy Knight and the injury of Deputy Williams.”

Sheriff Davis

Deputy Knight had just turned 30 and began serving BCSO in 2018. He is survived by his two-year-old daughter, mom, and ex-wife.

Devastating Loss

While those in law enforcement know that there are risks associated with their jobs, they still choose to show up and give it their all every day. Every time we lose an officer in the line of duty, it is heartbreaking for everyone involved.

Deputy Knight leaves behind a little girl who will only remember her father through stories and photographs, but she will forever know that he was a hero.

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6 comments on “Hero Down - Deputy Stabbed By An Inmate”

  1. How did this happen if the prisoner was handcuffed? God bless the soul of the deputy, may he rest in peace.

  2. RIP Deputy Knight , deepest sympathy to his family of blood and blue 💔🙏🏻💙😢 Thank you Deputy for your service 💙🙏🏻💙

  3. Do you have the death penalty? You should, this scumbag and his idiot friends need to know ther are consequences for this kind of behavior.

  4. I'm starting to wonder about police and prison officers. First, I never knew that prison guards carried knives. It doesn't seem real smart. Next 2 guards were transferring an inmate to a different cell when the 22 year old inmate started fighting with the officers. So, two guards can't control a prisoner who is in handcuffs? And then the guards had their knife stolen and used to stab them. AMAZING!!!

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