How A Few Good "Bastards" Delayed The Fall Of Kabul Airport

By Ethan Cole on
 August 4, 2022

For many, "Bastards" would be considered an insult. However, that is not the case for Task Force 1-194, better known by their moniker, "Task Force Bastard." The nickname dates back to 1941, when Gen. Douglas MacArthur left the 194th with no backup and no reinforcements, making them a chess piece apart of his bigger military scheme.

The nickname is a blunt reminder that utilitarianism is not welcome anywhere in the military and that the lesson learned at Bataan should not happen again. It also honors those who lost their lives and those who returned different people because of the experience.

The soldiers in this task force wear the name proudly and are happy to help their fellow troops when duty calls, something they did successfully in Afghanistan.

Backup Plan

Task Force Bastard had been prepping for months in Kuwait, just in case things in Kabul did not go well at both the embassy and the airport. Instead, things started smoothly but quickly deteriorated.

The Taliban began taking over districts quickly, and the military knew that the Afghan National Army was not strong and their air support was rather unreliable.

Their Special Operations Command, which stood the best chance against the Taliban, was stretched thin and becoming tired. At the time, the military thought Kabul would be able to hold off the Taliban for months.

Task Force Spartan Analytic Control Element (ACE) intelligence chief Maj. Ravneet Puri said, “Power brokers and government officials are making deals. Logistics lines are being cut off. The northern alliance is broken. The big challenge for the Taliban, who above all want and need international legitimacy in the event of a takeover, will be to govern and to deal with ISIS-K.” 

Puri then told Capt. Charlie Anderson that the "bastards needed to be ready." So ready they became.

Protecting the Airport

The Bastards came under constant fire while stationed in the north perimeter towers. They learned not to hesitate. Even the snipers would find themselves with green laser dots from the Taliban on their vest, though the shot was out of range.

The team held the perimeter against constant Taliban antagonization to get as many people through the airport gates as possible. The team arrived without vehicles and soon had a hodge-podge of vehicles at their disposal.

One of their biggest jobs was keeping everything secure, so the Afghan people could go free.

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20 comments on “How A Few Good "Bastards" Delayed The Fall Of Kabul Airport”

  1. Please give my THANKS to the BASTARDS !!!!!! I am grateful for your work and dedication to our COUNTRY !!!!!!


    1. I don't think that there CAN be a "part 2".
      Not as long as, Puppet Biden, Clueless Harris and I AM GOD PELOSI , are in charge of the military by way of the ASS LICKING top brass they put in place.
      Back in the days of my youth, these military leaders would have been accidently (cough-cough) shot by their own troops. I do not really believe that our own troops would turn their guns on their fellow citizens if ordered to. But I have NO doubt that, Puppet Biden, Clueless Harris and I AM GOD PELOSI along with the military top brass they have in their pocket, would be glad to pull the trigger on anyone that gets in the way of their agenda.
      The Democratic Party has more than proven that the saying "Absolute Power, Corrupts Absolutely" .
      They have the holy trinity Money, Power & control.
      Hopefully, not for much longer. Otherwise, this country won't survive.

  2. So glad we have soldiers like the "Battling Bastards" to do what they can with the hand they are dealt! These soldiers were dealt a bad hand, but they made the most of a bad situation, which was no fault of theirs! Many thanks to them for their courage and dedication, an example of "American Exceptionalism" in the service of their country!

    I remember reading in history about the "Battling Bastards of Bataan, no moma, no poppa, and no Uncle Sam". They fought against overwhelming odds, after being abandoned and forced to take the famous "Bataan Death March' to concentration camps. Many Perished along the way, all hero's, they held out as long as they could before surrendering to a ruthless enemy, back in the dark days of WW2.

  3. Nice to see just positive reinforcement for these brsave soldiers. All comments were good and well deserved by these brave troops. Thank you much!

  4. Well done the Bastards. Derogatory names are some times very honourable. Just like our UK regiment called Rats of the desert. We are proud of our rats, I hope Americans are proud of their Bastards.

    1. Michael, I can’t speak for the rest of my countrymen, but this American is very proud of our Bastards and all the men and women who serve in our military who put self and safety last to do their jobs. Thank you for your comment and blessings to you and your countrymen.

  5. I want praise the Bastards for everything they have done and continue to do to keep us safe. It’s just sad we have the toughest men and women in the world fighting in our military and to have a weak minded commander and chief and a* * kissing top brass in the armed forces. It burns me up to have dedicated men and women willing to fight to the end and then for cognitive minded Biden purposely putting them in a position without reenforcement like he did in Kabul.

    Then for Biden to make statement like he did from the White House about if any Americans planned on attacking the government they better F-18’s and whatever else he said. Nobody wants to attack the government. They just want the government to work for the people and not for the personal satisfaction like Biden, Pelosi and Schumer has done. Joe Biden and his administration has used every form of government to fight the American people, including our Law Enforcement!!

  6. […] How A Few Good "Bastards" Delayed The Fall Of Kabul Airport […]

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