Minneapolis Voters Say No To Anti-Police Measure

By Ethan Cole on
 November 5, 2021

The city of Minneapolis put the choice of keeping their police department or turning it into a Department of Public Safety to a vote. The voters declared, they still want their police department.

Failing Measure

The measure would have been an amendment to the cities charter, and the Department of Public Safety would have taken a public health focus. However, those opposed to the measure said that those in favor did not have a defined game plan, according to the Associated Press.

If the proposal had passed, the switch would have to take place within 30 days. The amendment failed 57 percent to 44 percent. The city requires that more than 51 percent of residents vote for an amendment to change the charter.

Currently, Minneapolis' charter says they have to have a police department and gives a minimum number of officers needed based on the population. Unfortunately, since George Floyd's death, crime has risen exponentially.

Along with the hike in crime, more officers have been accused of excessive force, racism, and the U.S. Department of Justice is investigating the department. Interestingly enough, black residents polled in September did not want the department to be dismantled.

However, the shortage of officers continues to be a problem. With around 591 of their 853 officers left, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo wants a $27 million budget to staff the department and begin to bring that crime rate down.

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11 comments on “Minneapolis Voters Say No To Anti-Police Measure”

    1. I like that thank you because it is better to have them and not need them sent to meet him and not have them

  1. The only people who would be in favor of Defunding the Police, are Criminals
    Like the Mayor & City Council. Can prolly toss the School Board in there, too.

  2. Seems like the MPLS voters have more common sense that some other cities. HAIL to the Voters!!! Our society may be at a low level, due to illegal groups that think that because they have recruited a group of CIVIL UNREST FOLLOWERS, THEY ARE IN THE RIGHT!! WRONG!!! A solid society is ruled by its citizenry,,,not the ill-informed not the angry, and not the uninformed few!

  3. You can bet that the ones who are pushing for removing the police are from the criminal element or related/friends with someone from the criminal element. No one in their right mind would want to get rid of the police.. uh.. theirs your answer.

  4. Isn't Karma a Bitch? You best watch what you wish for. It may just come true!!!! Defund the police? Then get your fat butt out there to protect the citizens.

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