Oakland Mayor Asserts Innocence After FBI Operation

 June 26, 2024

Amidst swirling controversy, Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao stands firm on her claims of innocence after a dramatic FBI raid.

Last week's federal operation targeted four sites, including Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao's residence, sparking citywide upheaval and talks of a recall.

According to the Washington Examiner, Mayor Thao made her first public appearance last Monday after the raid to address persistent rumors and reassure the community.

Speaking from Oakland City Hall, she emphatically denied any wrongdoing. Her home, shared with partner Andre Jones, was just one of the locations searched by the FBI where agents were seen removing various materials.

Amid Tensions, Oakland Mayor Speaks Out

Maintaining her resolve, Mayor Thao assured the public of her commitment to transparency throughout the investigation process. Both she and Jones have a background in municipal roles, which has added to the public's scrutiny following the raids.

I have done nothing wrong and promise to be 100% transparent and cooperate fully with the FBI investigation. I am not going down like that — we’re not going down like that.

The community responded immediately, with calls for her resignation intensifying over the week. The protest signs questioning, "Where's Mayor Sheng Thao?" underscored the growing disconnect between the mayor's office and Oakland residents.

Community's Reaction and Upcoming Recall Effort

Adding to Mayor Thao's challenges, the Oakland chapter of the NAACP has voiced a strong stance, urging her to step down. This sentiment paved the way for a recall, which was confirmed to have sufficient backing to make the November ballot.

Simultaneously, other locations raided included the homes of David Duong and Andrew Duong, along with offices linked to California Waste Solutions and the Vietnamese American Business Association. Notably, California Waste Solutions holds a significant contract with the city, stoking further speculation about the nature of the raids.

After her statement, Mayor Thao briefly mentioned her dedication to Oakland and its people, attempting to shift focus toward her ongoing work and away from the raid's implications. She reiterated that the operations last week do not define her administration, nor do they distract her from her duties.

Analysis of the FBI's Inquiry and Speculations

The specifics of the FBI's investigation remain under wraps, making it difficult for the public to ascertain these raids' full scope or targets. What could link the raided parties remains a point of debate and a source of curiosity for both the media and the Oakland community.

In her dialogue with the media, Mayor Thao strived to dissociate herself from any potential misconduct linked to the other figures involved in the sweeps. She emphasized that her primary concern was to clear her name and restore trust among her constituents.


In conclusion, as the investigation continues, Mayor Sheng Thao emphasizes her innocence amid mounting pressure and public scrutiny. Her residence is one of the several key locations raided by the FBI, and her homes and offices are connected to prominent local business figures. The community remains alert and watchful.

The intertwining of political and business interests in these raids has stirred controversies and triggered a formal recall process, reflecting the deep political currents flowing through Oakland. As updates unfold, the narrative of transparency and cooperation promised by Mayor Thang Thao will be critical in navigating the forthcoming weeks.

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