Police Hero Dislodges Lego From Choking Toddlers Throat

By Ethan Cole on
 May 31, 2021

Not being able to help your child when they need you the most is every parent's worst nightmare. One Long Island man had it become a reality when his 23-month-old began choking on a LEGO while he was at his daycare facility.

A Call For Help

The Pine Tree Day Care had to call 911 because a little boy had put a LEGO piece in his mouth and was now choking on it. When the call came in, Riverhead Town Police Sergeant Jill Kubetz was about a minute away from the daycare and hurried over.

By the time she got to the daycare the little boy was already turning blue. She started thrusts on his back. The thrusts moved the LEGO a little bit out of his air way and he began to get a little bit of air.

In an interview with Kristin Thorne Kubetz said, "When I rotated the baby to see if it was food or what it could be, I saw those two LEGO dots."

Swift Ambulance Arrival

An ambulance from Riverhead Volunteer Ambulance Corps swiftly arrived at the daycare to provide Kubetz with assistance. Once they got into the ambulance paramedic Christine Klassert helped.

"I held the baby up in the air, parallel, and she was able to get underneath. Because we could see a portion of the LEGO at the back of the throat, and she used a tool to get in the back and was able to pull it out."

Sergeant Jill Kubetz

According to WABC, then they boy was breathing and crying. Kubetz said, " We all took turns smiling at the baby, and that was a great moment."

A Thankful Father

The little boy's dad picked him up from the Stony Brook University Hospital.

"Another 30 seconds or a minute, and it would have been a totally different story. My son is so lucky. He has his angels working overtime all the time," the father who did not want to be named said.

He also said that he plans to give Kubetz a picture of the little boy to place on her dashboard as a reminder of her heroism. Kubetz has been with the police department for almost 20 years. However, this is the first time she had to save a choking victim.

"It was a good one. I definitely went home and hugged my children a little harder last night."

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16 comments on “Police Hero Dislodges Lego From Choking Toddlers Throat”

  1. Make sure the toys are fist size. Those itty bitty sized items are dangerous. Glad the child is doing good.

  2. God has his helpers place at the right place at the right time.....Thank God for the POLICE !!!!
    We need them in more ways than one....

  3. Congratulations and Thank You. Nice to hear good news thanks to great people. God Bless All Of Them.

  4. Just makes you thank God for first responders, police EMT's! I served for 10 years in the 1990's as a basic EMT and I know how it is out there! Good job to all that took part!!!

  5. I believe private companies have a right to require whatever of their employees within reason, noncriminal, safe etc. But not the govt

  6. Don't Legos have a potential for choking warning and a suggested minimum age for children playing with them?

  7. If the Long Island had already defunded the police I guess they could have called Antifa.

  8. Having access to small items such as Legos in a preschool for very young children is using extremely poor judgment. Legal intervention should be taken into consideration.

    1. Better yet , the parents need better training on how to take care of a toddler ! Keep politics out of raising children PLEASE ?

  9. Will not see this on the liberal media nor anything good that the police do. Congrats to her and the Ambulance personnel.

  10. It is times like that when being a Police Officer makes all the BS worthwhile. Finding a lost child who is not injured, saving a child from injury or choking like this Officer did. Trust me folks, it makes all the bad things that have happened suddenly go to the back of the mind and not important. All of us LEO's are fortunate enough to get that feeling once or if really lucky a few times in their career.

  11. It's natural for toddlers to put things in their mouths. At this age the mouth gives more reliable sensory data than the fingers. It's up to adults to make sure nothing small enough to choke on is in reach. I hope everyone at that day care had renewed mandatory safety instruction.

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