Police Officer Relies On Training, Saves Choking Baby

By Ethan Cole on
 October 15, 2020

Law enforcement today are the focus of a lot of negative media attention. Fortunately, this has not affected how the men and women in blue conduct themselves.

Recently, one such officer heard a call over his radio for a baby in distress with an ambulance on the way. Officer Travis Hoguet was close to the area and quickly responded to the call. Amazingly, he arrived before the ambulance.

The 911 call had been made because a 4 month old was choking. The mother met Officer Hoguet in the driveway. Hoguet remained calm and flipped the baby over his arm. His training kicked in and he cleared the baby's airway. A few moments later and the baby began to breathe.

"Something like this is going to be on the top of the list for a while. Iā€™m never going to forget it," Hoguet said.


These stories where tragedy turns to relief are heartwarming. That's what the men and women of law enforcement do on a daily basis. Unfortunately, they get a lot of negative attention from the news.

With this in mind, they need the support of their communities and civil leadership now more than ever. Do you stand with law enforcement?

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