Police Officer To Adopt 5 Children He Met While Investigating Their Father's Homicide

By Ethan Cole on
 October 6, 2023

A North Las Vegas Police Officer and his wife are turning an unbelievable tragedy into a heartwarming story. Don't let the anti-police activists fool you, the men and women in blue truly are among the best of us.

It all started when Officer Nicholas Quintana responded to a homicide. A father had been shot and he overheard the man's 6-year old daughter saying ‘No, but I love daddy.’ Understandably, this heartbreaking statement stirred Quintana deeply.

Quintana and his wife, who have been trying to have children of their own for years, decided that they would take in the 5 children as their own:

“I looked at the kids and I say the whole reason why we are here is not just because we want to check up on you but because my wife and I would like to receive you guys into our home and take you out of the system.”

First Responder's deal with so much negativity in their lives, but this story shows the other side of these brave men and women.

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25 comments on “Police Officer To Adopt 5 Children He Met While Investigating Their Father's Homicide”

  1. We are only here for a short time . God brought you what you’ve been asking for a FAMILY !
    The Children will Bless you a Full and Happy Life. GOD BLESS. WE LOVE OUR MEN IN BLUE WHO MAKE IT SAFE FOR OUR FAMILIES.

    1. I want to be people like that. I’ve been praying about fostering and adoption. Let’s all be people like that, for the children

  2. God bless this new family. May hearts and lives be fully comforted and healed. May all lives in this family prosper, grow snd fully develop with love and devotion to each other.

    1. AMEN, I stand in agreement with you, asking our HEAVENLY FATHER for complete healing and bonding for the entire family !!!! As a adopter, after having 2 of my own, I know and love everything that comes from adopting. My only regret is that I wasn't able to do it but once. There's so many wonderful children waiting for loving homes !!!!!!!!

  3. Cops are human beings like the rest of us. May these kind people always be blessed for their Christian,loving, hearts.

  4. Our police officers are the greatest humans on the face of the earth The democrats are the worst humans on the earth always trying to destroy all the good and sell us out to the China government. Dpwn with the democrats.

    1. You're right. We can't thank law enforcement and soldiers enough for all their hard work, leave for work not knowing if they'll come home. Democrats only look for the flaws to give them reasons to demonize our men in blue.

  5. What a TREMENDOUS heartwarming thing to do !!!!!!
    GOD BLESS this newly formed FAMILY !!!! HUGH THANKS to Officer Quintana and his lovely wife !!!!! Now they have the children their hearts desired !!!!!!!!

  6. What beautiful and sincere this couple is in taking the 5 children into their home to raise as their own. God bless all of them. Keep them safe and healthy.

  7. I was just wondering…..Where is the mother of these five children? God bless Officer Nicholas Quintana and his wife adopting these 5 children you both are truly angels……

  8. I think it is a Blessing for everyone. They will get very good life with the couple. The kids and the officers Blessed. God's perfect timing. They should have a GoFund for them.
    Support the Blue.

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