Suspect Stabs Deputy Before He Can React - Officer Stays In The Fight

By Ethan Cole on
 October 14, 2020

The average citizen has no idea what it's like to be a law enforcement officer. In fact, most people have never been in any kind of dangerous confrontation. Yet law enforcement officers face uncertainty and violence every day. Mental and physical awareness are critical skills to those who work as First Responders.

When responding to calls, officers may only have split seconds to react. With this in mind, most will never understand what it's like to work in law enforcement.

Take this story as an example of how things can go awry with almost no warning. 21 year old Nicolas Furgason fled home after an involuntary mental health evaluation. Deputy Charles Williams’ stopped Furgasonin a nearby wooded area. When Williams tried to detain him, Furgason lunged at him with a knife and took off running.

When Williams caught up to Furgason he deployed his taser. Shortly therafter, several other officers arrive to help handcuff and detain Furgason:

Communities are fortunate to have officers like Williams putting their lives on the line. Men and women in law enforcement work every day to remove dangerous criminals like Furgason from the street and get them the help they need.

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