War Crimes in Ukraine: The Desperate Need for International Cohesion

 July 15, 2022

As Russia continues to violate international law in Ukraine, the need for a coordinated response from the international community has never been greater.

The International Criminal Court's (ICC) chief prosecutor Karim Khan called for an "overarching strategy" to bring perpetrators of war crimes in Ukraine to justice. This is a crucial step as the world desperately seeks a way to hold Russia accountable for its actions.

Since Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, his military forces have been accused of abuses ranging from killings in the Kyiv suburb of Bucha to deadly attacks on civilian facilities, including the March 16 bombing of a theater in Mariupol that an Associated Press investigation established likely killed close to 600 people. Not to mention the countless accusations of murder, rape, and torture leveled against the occupying force.

The ICC's call for a coordinated response comes at a crucial time. The international community must work together to investigate and prosecute Russia's war crimes. This is the only way we can hope to hold Russia accountable and bring an end to the conflict in Ukraine.

Khan said the recent ministerial meeting addressed “a need of coordination, of coherence" and "the need of an overarching strategy” as different nations and courts work to investigate and prosecute crimes.

Regardless of how it's done, most can agree that Russia must be held accountable for its actions.

Let us know what you think, will Russia ever be held accountable? Are these stories of sickening war crimes coming out of Ukraine all to be believed? How long will the Russian invasion continue?

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10 comments on “War Crimes in Ukraine: The Desperate Need for International Cohesion”

  1. During the reports on the war in Ukraine I was surprised to read that there wasn’t a country called Ukraine until after WWII. A conglomeration of the Allies created it out of Estonia. Estonia has always wanted it back! The reason was the powers available in that area.
    Perhaps it is time for it to be back with the original country.
    Frankly when I read that I thought “How dare they,”. It would be like a group from the UN saying that only half can remain a part if the US.

    1. Nancy, you will also read that Estonia, much like modern day Ukraine was and is composed primarily of ethnic RUSSIANS. This is nothing but a proxy war enabled by the U.S. and its attack dog, NATO. NATO and the U.S. have been attacking and causing wars in many countries over the past several decades under the false pretense of preserving 'democracy'. I reality the U.S. sets up puppet governments so U.S. corporations can raid the country of their meager resources. Just look at the great record of success the U.S. has had rebuilding 'democracies' across the globe: Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Czechoslovakia, all left in shambles with an economy decimated by war. Russia has taken a stand to stop this hegemonic destruction and Russia will win by replacing the petro dollar with a new global trade currency, witness BRICS. This will happen unless the U.S. pulls the nuclear war option first, which may very well happen.

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  3. What is going on in the Ukraine is not the business of the US government.The US government needs to keep it's nose out of Russia's issues. We have problems over here that need to be taken care of first.Such as destruction of the food supply add the shutting down of oil production and the forcing of the Green New Deal aka Destroy the Country.

  4. Strategic Patriot Missile elimination of Putin/The Kremlin and provide the Russian people opportunity to redirect and recorrect!!!!!!!!

  5. Apparently the UN is proving to be utterly useless in stopping Russia from their attacks on civilian facilities —so what is this useless organization doing???🤡clowns in the Circus ???

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