WATCH: LAPD SWAT Deployed To Neighbor Dispute Gone Wrong

By Ethan Cole on
 October 28, 2023

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10 comments on “WATCH: LAPD SWAT Deployed To Neighbor Dispute Gone Wrong”

  1. Awesome job by our men in blue!
    A strategic plan to try and not harm the individual nor officers, this is what we never hear about, lives saved, great story & recap!

    Back the Blue

  2. Must back the Blue reverse all counter measures againt the mewn protecting the nation wheather in Law enforcement , or the military ;only Communists want to bestroy the police for no real gain except for the CCP.

  3. I have seen pictures of and know of Excessive Police force used against a frail 88 year old man by SWAT and the men in blue. A person who called the police to remove a woman who was destructive is the one who got arrested. SWAT Pepper Bombed the house After the owner's son told the Police that he was coming out,, they still Sent the dog in to attack the owner's son. The son got charged for trying to protect himself against the dog. They pushed the 88 year old man who was the owner of the house and standing outside to the ground 3 times splitting his head open. After the elderly man was taken to the hospital to get steel stitches, they put him back in the house with the pepper spray still in there and the windows boarded up. Why was SWAT called in "They thought there was a BB gun in the house" The cops lied and said that they were abused. I have seen the pictures and they are awful.. A cop I know who retired before this incident of Police abuse happened told me that most of the Cops on this force were corrupt as well as the SWAT team. The gay chief of this force was also a known pedophile in Californica with several lawsuits filed against him.

  4. Their needs to be a Federal law, touch an officer. run from crime scene it's a felony. Injure, shoot an officer or any units it's a death sentence. I am fed up with defunded Law Enforcement and giving illegals everything, stimulus money, housing. foster care, welfare, Obamacare, citizenship, driver license. Our homeless citizens are pushed to street.
    Our kids are being abused by schools, no education.
    Prayers for our country and the world.

  5. I have volunteer with Law Enforcement for about 60 years. My parents were involved with law Enforcement when I was 5. A restuarant where we lived had a Friday fish fry, all money and tips went to the Law Enforcement and Fire Department.
    All the years I have volunteer, my kids in Explore program, BOY AND and GIRL SCOUTS. I have only been involved with 2 officers driving while drunk. One officer using Explore program money for personal gain. Prayers for the Blue. My choice, CA flag under the blue flag. CA flag upside down.
    God Bless the BLUE.

  6. excellent job and hats off to the LAPD. The guy made a bad choice. Once the flag is thrown the ref, game over. The guy had some serious issue and got what he asked for. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Excellent job and he did not have to be killed which was great.

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