Judge Rules Against City Council Attempt To Defund Police

By Ethan Cole on
 October 8, 2021

While the Kansas City council and their mayor want to defund the police, a Jackson County judge is stepping in. The judge has ruled that defunding the police was a violation of state law.

Judges Ruling

Judge Patrick Campbell, a Missouri 16th Judicial Circuit Court Judge, determined that at this point, the city council was not able to adjust the budget of the police department post appropriations, especially without the approval of the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners.

The city council defunded the police department a month after the board approved the budget. At this point, Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas and his fellow city council members passed two ordinances that defunded the department.

The police department was given $223 million, and the city council wanted to take $42. 2 million dollars out of it. The money would go into a Community Services and Prevention Fund.

According to WDAF, the two ordinances would have the police board and the city council negotiate the terms of how the money would be used. Those who were against the ordinances felt it was just a way to defund the department, while Lucas says it was just about accountability.

Suing The City

The Police Commissioners Board filed a lawsuit against Kansas City, saying they overstepped by taking away part of the department's budget. The city said that the money would still help the community.

The state law requires that the city use 20 percent of its general revenue for law enforcement. The city felt that this adjustment qualified.

The lawsuit says the mayor told the Police Chief of the budget change the same day the ordinances passed. This was also the first time Chief Smith had heard anything about the city wanting to defund the police.

The finance director said the adjustment would make the department run out of money by February of 2022. However, the budget manager said it was more likely that they would run out of money by December 2021. With his ruling, the judge also requires the city to give the department back their $42.2 million. He found that the city broke the state's law.

The judge's ruling came as a relief for the chief and the police department. In contrast, the mayor was less than thrilled and will likely take money away from the department when it comes time to set the 2022-2023 budgets.

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15 comments on “Judge Rules Against City Council Attempt To Defund Police”

  1. Can anyone blame the officers for getting out? When there are no police these people will be the first to scream to have them back!

    1. Where did it say the police were going to be shut down? The way I took it is that the police department was given $223 million, and the city council wanted to take $42. 2 million dollars out of it. That still leaves $181 million for the police department. That is still $15 million a month. Would be interesting to see if that covered costs.

      1. I don’t think it is about money. It is about support.
        Maybe it would help if public officials had to hire their own security.

  2. The council wants to defund the police and do it even if illegal. Usually, once budget is set by a governmental agency, it cannot be changes unless the council holds budget public budget hearings and after than votes on the changes.

    Next year the budget will be cut unless the public elects new council members who have the public interest at heart. Police need to move now the make sure that the mayor and council get voted out of office

    1. They are Democrats. The only way they think is that THEY can now have the police salaries. They couldn’t care less about the people.

  3. I DON T BLAME THE COPS FOR LEAVING ,, GOOD LUCK Kansas When you need them they won t be there. in this crazy world now a days. You are so stupid. and everyone wonder s why America is going to hell because of people like these.>>> Like I said GOOD LUCK.

  4. Good for the Judge the city is being run by progressives , without the police where do their citizens tur for help, City needs to really think about this. Unless they want the criminals to over run them.

    1. Progressive is the wrong word, I think. It is more like nazi Germany. They are bloated with their own wonderful ness!

  5. Judges don’t give tough enough sentences. News people lie like rugs.
    In my opinion it long past time that the schools go back to teaching civics instead of sex. Teach real history instead of liberal made up history. Leave sex Ed to the parents!! Salute the flag every morning.
    In other words do a better job by these children.
    Parents do your part too. Quit the race garbage!! The color means nothing. The character of the person does!!!
    Cities need to demand a license in order to demonstrate! The number of participants need to be known so that police presence is adequate.
    If it is an instant demonstration with no license then the penalty should be between $500 and $1000 per person.

  6. As a Conservative, I believe in The Rule of Law! It is Very Disturbing to see how The Socialist Left Thinks and Acts! Their policies are so destructive, and will lead to the collapse of this great nation if we continue down this road! I would say more, but what's the use! Someday, many of them will be sorry for being so negative and not using any common sense! Most All Law Enforcement Officers are good people, trying to protect and serve. They are Patriots who believe in Our Constitution, and Freedom!

  7. Liberals dont like law and order , that has been obvious for many years . Some hundred plus years ago they decided to underarm our law officers decreasing they carry .38 caliber pistols because undertakersand families of deceased lawbreakers were complaining about the damage .45 caliber weapons did . Then they complain about excessive force when arresting criminals . What is it about the word Criminal or the term Law Breaker that they do not understand ? An element that cares nothing about who gets hurt when they are commuting their crimes . We protect and coddle law breakers and worry nothing about protecting the public . Judges throw out charges because the offenders rights have been violated . The same judges and public officials who have armed guards protecting the in many cases .

  8. The Democrat agenda to defund the Police! Trump's agenda was to Defend the Police! I am going with TRUMP again in 2024 if he runs!

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