Oakland County Deputy Killed in Stolen Vehicle Operation Ambush

 June 24, 2024

A relentless pursuit to retrieve a stolen vehicle tragically concluded with the death of Deputy Brad Reckling from the Oakland County Sheriff's Office.

On June 23, 2024, during the retrieval operation in Detroit, Deputy Reckling was fatally ambushed, leading to the arrest of three suspects.

Fox News reported that when Deputy Reckling and two other officers tracked down a stolen 2022 Chevrolet Equinox, their mission took a deadly turn.

Upon convening with the suspects, gunfire erupted as three individuals vaulted from the vehicle and opened fire, striking Deputy Reckling multiple times.

Immediate Response from Local and State Police

Following the shooting, both Michigan State Police and Detroit local enforcement swiftly descended upon the scene. A perimeter was set up, encapsulating the chaos and preventing further disorder. Three individuals were apprehended in quick succession, suspected of direct involvement in this heartrending incident.

This tragic event is regarded as an ambush, as described by Sheriff Michael Bouchard, highlighting the perilous nature of the confrontation.

The occurrence has stirred profound distress within the local law enforcement community, marking a mournful chapter for the Sheriff's Office.

Sheriff Michael Bouchard expressed the agony of the situation, stating, "Things like this are soul crushing."

Community and Family Left in Mourning

Deputy Reckling's death is especially poignant given his background. Having served nine years with the sheriff's office, he was a dedicated officer and a devoted family man. He leaves behind a wife, three young daughters between the ages of one and five, and an unborn child, creating a profound void both at home and within the law enforcement fraternity.

The tragedy has also resonated at the state level, with Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer publicly expressing her condolences. She underscored the deep sorrow this event has brought upon the Oakland County community and beyond.

The Oakland County Sheriff's Office's social media post encapsulated the significant loss, saying:

The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office tragically lost one of our own heroes last night after one of our Auto Theft Unit Investigators, Deputy Brad Reckling, was ambushed and killed during an auto theft investigation that originated in Madison Heights and led investigators to the City of Detroit.

A Brave Officer Remembered

Deputy Reckling was a relatively recent addition to the auto theft unit, a testament to his varied skills and commitment to combating crime. His loss is profoundly felt across the community, with many remembering him as a trustworthy partner and a stalwart officer.

Beyond the badges and uniforms, Deputy Reckling's colleagues speak volumes of his valor and kindhearted nature. The void left by his untimely demise is palpable within the corridors of the Oakland County Sheriff's Office, where he is remembered fondly.


Deputy Brad Reckling's tragic death has marked a somber moment for Detroit and the broader law enforcement community. His commitment to justice abruptly ended in violence, sparking a swift law enforcement response that led to the capture of three suspects. As the community and his family confront this immense loss, his legacy endures through his selfless service and the profound impact he had on those around him.

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