Woman Punches Deputy In The Face, Breaking Bones

By Ethan Cole on
 June 13, 2021

The consequences for committing crimes are becoming less and less these days. Officers often deal with the lack of support from politicians, but it seems that the justice system overall is not handling cases with the level of seriousness they deserve, with judges being incredibly lenient.

Walking in the Streets

In Pontiac, Michigan, an Oakland County Sheriff deputy went out to a call for a woman walking in and out of the street. Andrea Ariel-Jones Sheppard, 32, was standing in the center of the street when the deputy arrived.

The responding officer asked her if she required any help. She would not give the deputy her name. Instead, she began to yell obscenities at him and became agitated.

A second deputy arrived onsite, and Sheppard began to walk closer to the responding officer. According to Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard, before the officer could even get out of his car, Sheppard assaulted him, punching him in the face and the head.

Defending Themselves

The officer pushed the woman away, but Sheppard continued to attack him. The other deputy onsite used his taser to subdue and subsequently arrest Sheppard.

The officer took her into custody. However, according to the sheriff's office, she struck the officer with such force that it broke his orbital bone around his eye.

The injured deputy was taken to the hospital for treatment. The deputy was a 29-year law enforcement veteran, who is 58 years old. He will be off work for a couple of weeks while his injuries heal.

Law and Order?

Sheppard faced arraignment for a felony charge of assaulting an officer, a charge that can carry up to a four year sentence. However, at her arraignment, 50th District Judge Ronda Gross had Sheppard released on a $1,000 bond, while she awaits her trial.

A $1,000 personal bond means that no money comes out of the the defendant's pocket to secure their freedom. Sheriff Bouchard was livid at the move.

“I am angry at how regularly people assault police officers today and how little attention or care they have in Washington for this.” 

Sheriff Bouchard

This is Sheppard's second brush with the law, as she was charged with reckless use of a firearm in 2016. For that, she was released on a $10,000 bond.

Uneven Ground

Bouchard is correct to be angry. Releasing someone for assaulting an officer on such a low bond amount sends the wrong message to criminals.

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38 comments on “Woman Punches Deputy In The Face, Breaking Bones”

    1. Because there are a few prominent mouth pieces , like al sharton and others that the court system is afraid of.

      1. Al sharpton is part of the problem with this country and he was in a picture at the white house this is what kind of cancer is in our coutry along with weak judges who favor minorities and illegals life in THE U.S.A.

        1. You aren’t kidding. He’s in sighting riots & hatred. I don’t care what color you are as long as you’re not disrespectful of me, mine or our Country.

        2. sharpton is a hack !!!! Does nothing to solve the problems , just incites the blacks !!! I am white my fiance is black . We get along fine !! We respect each others views and yes we sometimes disagree but do not let it ruin what we have, "LOVE""....

          1. I can't understand WHY

            I can't understand WHY Al Sharpton isn't in federal prison. He owes MILLIONS in federal back taxes, and has NO intention of paying ANY of it. EQUAILITY? If I...owed a PENNY in federal taxes, they would be on my door step YESTERDAY.

            federal prison

    2. Sadly because it is becoming apparent that they can because many years ago their own black captors sold them to other, sometimes white, people. Noone living today was one of those groups of people.

    3. I wonder why? So sickening. Bureaucrats and politicians who support handling of violent individuals are only creating more problems. Bad behavior not addressed only results in more or worse bad behavior!

      1. you are right we have too many corrupt politician's that are on the wrong side of the law like biden, harris , nancy, chuckie and hunter

    4. Because they can get away with it that's the reason they keep doing it because they do not have to suffer any consequences

    5. because at times they are treated as special people sometimes but in S. Diego, CA. they are treated like all people.

    6. I think it's because the conservatives are too meek and frail to stand up to any of this crap. The courts are too easy on people of color as they are packed with Libatrds.

      1. AND we need to carefully and fully look at the background of the Judges we vote onto the bench. WE vote for many of these judges without knowing their idea of "fair and just".

  1. The poor thing desperately needs psychiatric treatment, preferably in a locked facility. -- off the streets; in care

  2. Unfortunately for some reason some people of African descent feel that they are owed something for being black since they were used as slaves.But they seem to forget all races have been used as slaves and that they live in proverty and they are being held down and to that I say get out find a job quit having 5 or more children do something for yourself do not expect the government to house you feed you because if you look at correctly you are still a slave to the democratic government and you will never be able to sustain yourself because that is how you want to live nobody holds you down except yourself . Do something to help yourself and quit blaming everyone else that they are being racist because if Asian can come here illegals and other races and make a living you should be able to do the same you have been here as Americans long enough not to be able to pull yourself up out of poverty.

  3. Why blame the Colored people, your to blame, you voted for the people that put judges like this on the bench. Think before you vote, maybe than we’ll see changes in our cities and Judges.

    1. If that is not the hammer hitting the nail, then I don't know what is. Thousand dollar bond for physical abuse is like a reward not a deterrent. So what is there to stop any person of any color from willfully breaking the laws of common decency?

      1. So if I a white woman goes over to a black man and strike him in the face for no reason, I shouldn't be punished any more than that lowlife? Just maybe white people will respond accordingly.only fair , RIGHT?

  4. Watch who you vote for. Check out their views etc. One color is no better than the other and success is there for all of us. I am one of 9 children born just before the depression of 1930 which was a bad time. Never knowing when we would eat or not. But all of us turned out to be okay and was able to get out of poverty with hard work and no help. So stop crying and brace yourselves I say to all.

  5. The force that she struck the Officer with could be considered A&B with Intent to kill! She should have been charged with that and her bond set at $100,000.00 and when found guilty she needs to be sent to prison for 15 years without parole!

  6. Because they can get away with it that's the reason they keep doing it because they do not have to suffer any consequences

  7. If it were a white person committing the offense, then put in jail, what would be the consequences?
    It is a 2 way street, there is no justice in today's society....

  8. You aren’t kidding inflations going up daily. It’ll take generations to pay back what Biden’s spending. Criminals still need to do time for crimes not get released with no reparations.

  9. I can't understand WHY

    I can't understand WHY Al Sharpton isn't in federal prison. He owes MILLIONS in federal back taxes, and has NO intention of paying ANY of it. EQUAILITY? If I...owed a PENNY in federal taxes, they would be on my door step YESTERDAY.

    federal prison

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